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It's only been a day since I've been here but everything makes me feel weird. Let me elaborate, first the sharp gaze that Mrs. Benedict gave to the old lady was very disrespectful, knowing the woman had made no mistake to her. Secondly, in this house there are clearly sons but in fact Mrs. Benedict unknowingly conferred that their child is a girl, if you tell me to think positively if the child may be their sibling's child, wouldn't it be too strange to have the fact that this family does not have a large family because there is an internalconflict of this family itself. But I don't know either this is just the result I got from my investigation, let's forget it. Third, although this family is warm and kind, but their gazes are too dim, cold and too sharp. It was as if there were so many emotions that they could bear. 

The ringing of the phone that grabbed me upon returning to the room, made me see the name of the call and a big smile right in my lips. I nimbly picked up the phone and sat leaning back on the bed. 

"Dev." It was the first greet after yesterday we spent a lot of time together. 

"Hi, Mr. Justin where have you been today? It seems that you are quite satisfied to ignore my call." 

"Lol, I'm sorry. Today there are a lot of things I took care of in the office, I really didn't have time to open my phone." 

"Well, I don't know if it's true or not." I teased him on purpose, happy enough for me to make him resentful.

"Gosh, did you just accuse me of lying?" okay, from the tone of voice I heard, it seems that Justin has begun to be provoked. 

"I didn't even say you lied or whatever it was." 

"Damn, you're the same. Where have you been? Don't look at how many times the call you missed?" 

"Woah, are you trying to divert the conversation by blaming me? I just had dinner together, you idiot." 

"I'm not sure it's an honesty.""Don't try to follow my words." From there we laughed, this is what we would be like if we were together, there is no day without quarrels. 

"Oh, but you were invited to dinner together? Sounds good." 

"Emm, I ate such an expensive meal just now. You know, it's a meal we usually only see." 

"Yes, you are too poor to treat your handsome brother. I told you, haven't I?" 

"Why do you always mock me. You really don't know the gratitude after spending my salary to fill your stomach, huh?" 

"You took me so don't blame me too much." 

"By the way, you want to know something? The child of this family is not a boy but a girl. Why did you find the wrong info?" I'm trying to shift the topic to a more serious thing, if it's not like this maybe until midnight I'll just have a fight with him. 

"Huh? Which is true enough? I've hacked some sites that have been blocked, you have to know how stressed I am to be able to get in there. But maybe I can also be wrong because I'm not too sure either, because the photos that are scattered are just amateur photos that capture the figure of a boy standing in some corner of the house, no warmth, no photos with family and others. The child is really alone." 

"No wonder, but in fact you are not wrong either. It's true that there is a boy here and it is exactly like in the photo you gave me. It was him." 

"Maybe it's their brother's child." 

"Yes, I thought that way for a while." 

It was just a few conversations that we made, until we didn't realize the time was enough for us to have a conversation. So, I'm unwillingly ending this call. Afterwards I lay on the mattress. I wanted to open my file and start to research the existing data but to be honest I was too lazy, even to get up, it felt like my body was too comfortable being stuck on this bed. 

My eyes closed, black so thickly there was on me. I heard such a loud noise, the sound of blowing, the muffled sound of shouting also withthe sound of falling objects. Wait, this is not a dream and I quickly woke up trying to prick my ears. Obviously, it's really very clear, everything is definitely pictured in my memory. I grabbed my cellphone and I recorded the sound with me already standing closer to the boundary wall between my room and the library. 

Slowly dimming I began to venture there. Taking a sweater to make me warm, I then opened the door and looked around. It's so quiet, no wonder the sound is so loud and also if you forget it's midnight. 

I knopped the door and looked for a light switch to make this room have enough lighting, I was surprised to see around. Everything is neat. I swear I'm not dreaming or hallucinating, I opened the voice recording from my cellphone. Recorded, the sound is real but why is everything neat. 

I'm looking around. There was nothing suspicious until the door of the room opened again and there stood Mr. Benedict with a book in his hand. The appearance is so stunning just by wearing those pajamas. 

"Ms. Collen? What are you doing here?" said the man who started to step his feet ignoring a bit of my presence, in easily putting the book he was carrying on one of the shelves that I thought was tall enough to get rid of. 

"Huh? I don't know, I heard a voice from this room just now but there was nothing." 

"Are you sure? Maybe it's a voice from below." 

"No sir, I'm sure from this room." And I don't know, I don't know what else to talk about after this silence. 

I just kept quiet and kept going like that, I wanted to go back but Mr.Benedict casually positioned himself on the couch. Since I wanted to ask him some things then I also wanted to sit in front of him, but the opposite happened. 

"Sit next to me," if I may want to faint right now, the deep voice is really very beautiful. My heart even thumped just by hearing it. But calm down this is not me who will love this man, of course not. I'm not that crazy. 

"But sir," I should have doubted, isn't sitting next to each other a bit too much. And it doesn't end there. I thought this was overdue and so disrespectful, what about the man's hand pulling me up to make me fall on his lap and also start fingering my face so sensually. At random, I rebelled. I can't think clearly because only the two of us are in this room. 

"Shut up, if you shout then my wife will come here and don't rebel if you don't want me to do more than this." It felt futile that I was still, I was already shaking enough and it was very painful when I had to endure the cry that felt like melting in that second too. 

"Sir, what are you doing?" 

"Me? Don't you see I'm holding you? You are so beautiful, why did I just realize." 

"You can let me go sir; this makes me uncomfortable." At that time, I cried. Mr. Benedict roughly grabbed my hair, gripped my chin so tightly and slammed me hard. What a shocking emotional change. 

"Stand up, Davina Collen. Hurry up and don't refute." 

I was already terrified just trying to stabilize my body. Staring fixedly at the figure before me. Again, my cheek felt numb with a slap that had previously landed so hard. Throw away some of the objects that are in the room. Mr. Benedict looked so crazy. He looked out of control; his anger was completely overflowing. 

"Tell me honestly, what is the sound like this you heard just now? Answer honestly, Ms. Collen!" 

"Yes, sir. This kind of voice I heard," my sobs grew louder, wiping away my tears roughly. I tried to restrain my emotions. 

My unconvinced came back after he came and injected fluid into my body. And made my body limp but I heard a little whisper that was so sharp, he said. "Wake up from your dream." 

In a little consciousness, I denied the words, I was not dreaming. And in the end, I woke up from my sleep that was so suffocating. What a beautiful night. 

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