reality is difficult

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Well I don't really know how to start this but hello I'm the narrator. Now you're probably wondering who I am and where's the old narrator from that other reality well let's just say that he's right now busy for now I'll tell you about my story and you get to no more about me and my life I don't even know if he's reading this or not or writing I don't know if my life is my own choices or by someone's own imagination. But the hell with that I'm here to have fun so you're going to have to agree with me on something when you start you can go back it's just going to be a Non-Stop blast of fun you and I I'm talking to you the one that's behind the screen seeing my words judging my every action I hope you have fun I can't wait to begin.

Let's begin shall we so first I kind of need a name for you all behind the screen maybe squishy clowns?, Little book monsters or maybe well I don't really know but let me know down there on that little pole thing on the bottom you know where you type words. So a little bit about me I'm a little bit insane-

Uhmm... Tike Who are you talking to?

Shut up that is none of your business- sorry about that ignore my step sister I know you dare take it like that or I will find you and destroy you but anyway back to what I was saying I am from a mix of two universes let's just say that I'm from Part MC or the hell hole known as Nevada and I'll let the other one try to fill out for you guys I won't say it out loud. But my backstory is kind of your standard one child has some sort of altering life-changing thing in his heart that eventually becomes a part of his blood which becomes a part of his existence not letting him live an normal life at all........ Oh so sorry about that I didn't mean to bring down the mood but I am genuinely a pretty cool and tame guy I have a girlfriend I like having fun, I own my own train I'll show you guys more of that later.

I have many variations of weapons abilities and many more things have fun with I mostly do things for the adrenaline and just have fun because when you're like me things do get quite boring especially when you live a life that's impossible to live normal

But anyway tell me more about you,........... Come on speak up...,........... Don't feel like talking that's fine well I got a call and let's just say we're going to have some fun let's go "he started running very fast nearly like he was a blur for suddenly disappearing and then reappearing in some place different he was at his destination he needed to be at the bounty it was his job after all"okay this should be the place oh

"Before it was a huge building it was menacing to say the least guards at the door defending their points almost like no one wanted him to see what was inside"time to get to work"he pulled out a weird weapon a sword maybe but it appeared out of thin air the guards rushed him but within an blink of an eye they both fell down blood was on the weapon and on the floor as he entered the building he danced and kind of sang a song alarm started to Blair in the building they were deafening more guards came from several elevators pointing heavy weaponry at him" really you all done know who I am

Freeze!!"one of the guards yelled the whole room was surrounded in guards at this point weapons drawn at him" well I guess not and because you don't let me give you a demonstration"she fell backwards but some sort of hole formed and he fell down it regards went forward to investigate when they looked up the hole was up above them and out of the hole came and explosive"shi-"it went off with a loud boom blasting several of the guards through the wall even more of them were brutally injured and a majority of them were passed out from the explosion he soon came out of the hole once the explosion was over and just continued up"

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