I'm good at a lot of things Gilbert

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Erin had settled herself in the corner of the wide outdoor couch, its seat large enough that she could curl her legs up comfortably and still have space. 

She grinned to herself and let out a soft chuckle in response to the antics of Patty and Abby in front of her, joking together at the small bar-type table they were standing at, something Abby had put together using reclaimed junk she had found dumped on the sidewalk. Erin watched as her two friends continued to laugh,  the last of the sun's rays  beaming down on them. Holtzmann was sitting on the other side of the couch, one leg up and bent, the other stretched out in front of her only her ankle and foot hanging off the edge, and the blonde was fiddling with her fingerless gloves, adjusting the wrist area and then deciding to just pull them off, tossing them to the ground.

It was early evening, a Sunday and the four women were on the roof of the Firehouse. It had been a big week, huge actually. They'd had two Busts, secured even more funding from the Mayor and had received an incredibly complimentary write up in the New York Times.

 And with their varied schedule and lack of commitments outside of work they had made a spur of the moment decision to purchase some drinks, head up to the roof and watch the sun set on their perfect week.

Patty and Abby had spent a lot of their spare time decorating the roof, making it the ideal summer retreat for them all, along with making sure it could be used in all seasons too, including a small fire pit, some shelter, plenty of festoon lights and comfy seating.


The physicist turned to Holtz, her eyes darting back to Abby and Patty briefly, watching as they chuckled over something together, sipping their beers.

Holtzmann leaned toward her colleague, passing a cold bottle of drink, opening the lid just as Erin wrapped her hands around the bottle, their hands touching briefly.

'Cheers,' the engineer stated, her own beer now in her other hand and she tipped it lightly against Erin's, the woman repeating the gesture with a soft murmured, 'Cheers.'

Erin turned back to the other two, not hearing what they were discussing but looking past them, enjoying the warmth that was left of the day, her eyes gazing the pinkish hue of the sky as the sun bid them farewell, its light streaking pale watercolours across the evening.

'Beautiful isn't it?'

Erin looked to Holtz briefly, smiling a little, then she looked back toward the sky, sinking a little more into the couch, tucking an arm around her waist as the air seemed to suddenly cool and she took a swig of her drink.

'It's my favourite part of the day.'

Holtzmann raised her eyebrows, 'Yeah?'

Erin looked back to her with a nod.

'That magic before we transition into the night, the sun washes away the day and makes way for the moon and her night.'

Holtzmann nodded and sat up a little, her bottle placed on the floor as she leaned further forward, shrugging off her leather jacket and leaning over to the brunette, holding out the clothing.

Erin sat up a little, creasing her brow.

'You looked cold,' Holtz stated, pointing to Erin's arm that was hugging her waist and Erin smiled a little, reaching for the jacket with a small nod and she put her own drink down to slip it on. The jacket a little too big for her but the physicist let herself almost snuggle into it. The warmth of Holtz still lingering within it and it ignited something within her soul and she inhaled a little, breathing in the mix of scents of the leather, a sweet maybe tangerine fragrance and possibly peppermint.

I'm good at a lot of things GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now