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''Heather!'' Matt called as he jogged to catch up with her.

She looked behind her, and then rolled her eyes. ''Can you not take a hint? Leave me alone!''

''Are you crying?'' he asked.

''No.'' she said truthfully. Maybe she had been - but she wasn't anymore. 

''Oh.'' he paused. ''Are you okay?''

''I'm okay.''

''Can I do anything to help you?'' he asked.

''I will be fine, Matt. Don't worry about me.'' she turned away from him, but he grabbed her hand.

''I will worry about you, Heather.'' 

She looked at his hand and then back at him. She pulled away. ''Then try and stop.'' 

''Why are you doing this?'' he sighed.

''Doing what?'' she asked.

''This. I know I was a dick to you, but you can still talk to me.''

''I don't really want to, Matt.'' 

''Well, you do.''

''What is it with everybody today and thinking they know everything about me?! Fuck you, Matt. Fuck Dakota. Fuck all of you.''

''What did Dakota do?'' he pressed.

''Like I said, fuck you!'' she said loudly and then walked away. 

Matt watched her walk away and then walked back to the van angry and in confusion. The rest of the group were just standing around, waiting for him, but began to walk towards him when they saw him.

''Matt!'' Nick called.

''What happened?'' Chris asked.

''How did it go?'' Elmer questioned.

Matt ignored his brother and best friend, walking past them, until he got to Alahna. He put his hands on her elbows and held her tightly. ''You're dating Dakota, right?''

''Matt!'' Alahna blushed.

''Are you or aren't you?'' Matt asked.

''Not right now.'' she mumbled.

''But you're close with her?''

''Yes...why are you asking me weird questions?''

''I need you to go and see what she said to Heather.''

''Dak upset Heath?'' Chris asked, an eyebrow raised.

Matt looked at his brother. ''I think so.''

''Surely that's not the case.'' Nick shook his head.

Matt looked at Alahna. ''Can you find out or no?''

Alahna pushed him away. ''Yes, I can find out! You owe me big time, Matt! Everything I do saves your ass!''

Matt smiled. ''I promise - I'll make it up to you. Thank you.''


Alahna walked towards Dakota and George and sat down next to them. ''Hey.''

''Hey, ba-'' Dakota stopped. ''Hey, Lana.''

George rolled his eyes fondly. ''Hey.''

''Can I talk to you guys?'' Alahna smiled.

''About H?'' George asked.

She nodded. ''We saw her and she didn't look too happy. Matt went after her and...she mentioned you, Dak.''

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