Before you read

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each and every scene and characteristic portrayed in this book is purely fictional, we do not intend to impair neither the image of the artist nor the feelings of there fans, whom we have mentioned here in our story.
 (just know even we admire them alott to write a wholeass book)
Also the thoughts and views expressed here are more or less the personal opinion of the writers. if you disagree feel free to share your outlook in the comments! 


इस पुस्तक में चित्रित प्रत्येक दृश्य और विशेषता विशुद्ध रूप से काल्पनिक है, हमारा इरादा न तो कलाकार की छवि और न ही उनके प्रशंसकों की भावनाओं को प्रभावित करना है, जिनका हमने अपनी कहानी में उल्लेख किया है।(आप बस इतना जानिए कि हम भी उनकी बहुत प्रशंसा करते हैं, उन्हें समर्पित एक पूरी किताब लिखने के लिए)

साथ ही यहां व्यक्त किए गए विचार और विचार कमोबेश लेखकों के निजी विचार हैं। यदि आप असहमत हैं तो बेझिझक टिप्पणियों में अपना दृष्टिकोण साझा करें


kya matlab english wala likh ke same to same utha ke google translate pe daal diya :D


so starting of with some introduction, this is not a normal standalone book as we usually release but a spinoff based on our two existing books namely "content house" and "illicit affairs"

do read them first to understand the story better.

but again its not necessary, because the storyline here is not related to the major plot of either of the 2 books. (except some spoilers ;D )
for those who haven't read our other two books here's a short explanation for you:

illicit affairs is a mafia based lovestory (nahi woh y/n ko ek baar dekh ke pyar hogaya utha ke legaya wali nahi :)) story hai mind you toh iske baad padhlena pleasee)

India's two richest and biggest mafia families are in for a competition for who will be on the top.
The Nagar's-
Their leader Aman Nagar
Has 2 children Ajey and Aanya. 

Their rival and biggest enemies are Malhan's- 
Their leader Rudra Malhan and Aman have a dark past.
Obviously both the families hate each other.
Rudra has 3 children Nischay the eldest, Abhishek and Ishaani. 

Now what happens when Ishaani falls for the younger Nagar, the next heir of their biggest foe.
Ajey, who hated his father as far as his memory could go, had just one goal- to be better than him.
The will of his deceased mother and sister he carried along, for this very purpose he needed the power.He is gonna be the next leader soon and he shouldn't be tangling himself in something as shitty as love right?
But some things are far away from a persons control.
Unsaid feelings lead to misunderstandings and so happened what they feared the most. The rivalry took an ugly form, and their siblings had to get themselves involved in the mess they created. As much as they hated to admit it, Ajey and Ishaani both loved their families as much as a person could. 

War is always an option for the brave they say, but the people who have faced it know just how much loss a single piece of metal can cause to a person's life.
Would you not call them brave who had the resilience to face the death of their loved ones headon and wish no one had to face it again? 

Nischay, the elder Malhan was a war hardened child afterall. He had lost more than a child should have. It was quite clear in his reserved personality.
He hated unwanted violence, unless it was for the sake of his family. 

Aanya Nagar was herself similar to Nischay in many ways.
After loosing their mother at a very young age, and their father being an obvious asshole, she had been a responsible kid, maybe it was some past life karma or just the circumstances that Aanya had it very hard.
Thanks to the responsibilities dumped on her at such a tender age, with literally no guidance she learnt everything the hard way.
But now miss Nagar was no joke,  from being a  motherlike figure to Ajey, to being the deadliest woman feared by all of the mafia.... She had it all.

The two elders were hell bent on preventing a war.
long discussion between the 2 families finally came to a conclusion..

to get the two eldest married.

And as far as 'The Content House' is Concerned
It is the story of 8 friends, bound together by the bond of friendship and forced to live under one roof for the sake of content creation
It is about two full time gamers- Mortal and Scout
Troublesome duo Ajey and Harsh
and entertainers or the 'targets' Nischay and Abhishek 

Two new members are recruited into the content creation 'Premium house' by their talent management company...
-FEMALES that is, Yashi and Sreeya 

The story revolves around the scenarios of daily life of these people and the changes that are wrought about when these two new girls, who are believed to have taken a controversy with the company owner's son, to achieve their success.
The girls get entry into the content house, much to Aaditya- the company owner's son's dislike. And he is forever trying to create problems in their life to try and get them kicked out 

But what he doesn't know is friendship is the purest bond to exist in nature
However much these people fight amongst themselves, they always stand together and stand strong.
For now, Nischay and Yashasvini have quite the nemesis bond, while Sreeya is almost overjoyed to live under one roof with his forever crush Ajey.
Sreeya soon joins the bakchod duo group to form the TROUBLESOME TRIO whose sole purpose is to induce a headache to their fellow housemates, specially their unspoken leader Scout.
The content in the content house is basically the inhabitants therefore :D


Baklol Writers
             The BSB Duo 💃

Content House x illicit Affairs (spinoff)Where stories live. Discover now