My name is Riley Collins and I am not your ordinary nineteen year old girl, In fact I am one of those girls who you should be scared of. I am a girl who is manipulative, gets angry when ever, and last but not least drinks blood; yes I said it I drink blood for a living, because I am a vampire. Oh and Something I forgot to mention to you was that I always get my own way but... I guess it didn't really work out this time since my parents are making me move with them. I used to live in a big city that we like to call New York, I spent my whole life there; I even had friends who were like me too they were vampires of course, some were even witches but we stayed away from the where wolfs since they are basically our enemy's. My parents are not at all like me or my friends, they are humans and no I do not feed off of them; I usually feed off of blood bags and small animals but once in a life time I will drink from the vein. My whole life was going out perfectly until that one day where your worst nightmare comes true and that was when my parents came up to me saying the we were moving! I felt like compelling them to make us stay but I couldn't because I make my parents drink vervain everyday, since I put it in there coffee so no one can compel them. Today was the day where I was going to go to my new home in a little town called mystic falls, I heard that this town was very old, small and very quiet, I also found out that in mystic falls there was a whole bunch of homicides that have happened there; geez what a happy town this was.
My life In Mystics Falls
VampireA fan fiction of the show; vampire diaries. A girl named Riley Collins who used to live in New York, moved to a new town called mystic falls. Dealing with a hard time she thinks she's is like nobody else and is all by herself until she meets Elena...