The Different Realms Of The After Life

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Heaven works like this:

Heaven time, for each inhabitant, flows differently for everyone. Depending on what world you were born and lived on, time in heaven would flow just as it would for your home planet. Heaven is full of giant angelic looking monsters which just so happens to be normal, actual angels. They look like monsters made of eyeballs but that's just what they look like when they take on their true form. Usually for souls that have past on from else where view angles as still relatively normal looking people. People in heaven can have their own private heaven that's made up of the inhabitants wildest and bestest dreams. Heaven is made up out of 7 layers, each layer getting closer and closer to God himself the higher you go. Tho only One soul can inhabit the 7th layer. a really small handful of other souls that are companions of the first souls choosing may also join the first soul in they 7th layer for a short time. Demons are allowed in heaven only if a high enough status soul or a heaven born angel allows them to enter. Tho every demon brought into heaven is required to be under strict security and restraint.

Hell works like this:

Hell time, for each inhabitant, flows differently as well but instead of being specific to each of its inhabitants basing it off of the time for their home world, time flows differently at random for everyone. But it is guaranteed to be up to millions of times slower than each inhabitants home world, as it would basically be a way to emphasize that each inhabitant has been suffering far longer then they think. The fire in hell grows infinitely hotter over the course of a millisecond. Alongside the fire, each inhabitant has their suffering at the hands of all their nightmares, given physical form to be their tormentors. There are such souls that are so unimaginably evil that they are given their own special, private hells to suffer through. Hell is made up out of nine circles set up into different layers. Each layer of hell has its own prince that rule absolute dominion over each hell. Hell in its layers get progressively worse the further down you go and because of that, each layer answers to the layer one level below. Ex: first layer of hell, answers to the second, and second to third, so on and so forth. Each soul has its chance at ruling over what ever layer of hell they were sent to initially. A little fact about hell is that it wasn't always "hell" it has been for millions of eons, but it didn't begin that way. There were these guys called the the Admins and the leader of the Admins created a peaceful paradise called Genesis Prime and the inhabitants of the world lived in tranquility for a long time, but the inhabitants were able to do literally anything they wanted but yet they were all still mortal, so The Leader of the Admins created a woman named Beelzella to watch over the people of Genesis Prime. Beelzella was a Savior, a god like figure with insurmountable powers. But in the end Beelzella was no different than the rest of Genesis Prime. So The Admin leader cut Genesis Primes off from the rest of creations, effectively banishing Beelzella from ever getting to see the rest of existence. The admin leader didn't want to have Beelzella come out one day with her ambitions and eventually challenge her. Because she was salty about it, Beelzella went mad and bent her whole dimension to her will and brought darkness upon her people and home. Over time the sky turned permanently dark, the picturesque landscapes turned into dry ground of cracked dirt and rock with volcanos and fire pillars, and even the people themselves turned into monsters. At this point, Beelzella became the devil, or Beelzebub. Later on elsewhere, The Admin leader spoke to her underlings about the time when Genesis Prime thrived. Genesis Prime was truly an amazing place to live, I dare say that at its prime, Genesis Prime was better than heaven. But the ambitions of all the inhabitants there, eventually consumed them and drove them to madness. The unrestrained minds of the Genesis Prime denizens eventually drove them into ruthlessness and obsession. But Beelzella, determined to carry out what she was created to do, was going to sustain her world no matter the cost. For no one in Genesis Prime can except failure or embrace pain. So Beelzella tightened her iron fist over her people and ruled them like a tyrannical overlord. She began to search along side the best minds of Genesis Prime for the secret of everlasting life. And who ever would dare to defy and stand against her, we're in the end harshly punished. For Beelzella was unrelenting in her quest to safeguard her people. The Admin queen took notice of that and didn't want what happened in Genesis Prime to happen to other realms. So The admin queen spoke to god himself who already knew what happened in Genesis Prime and wasn't going to make the same mistakes anyways. So God made it so that we could live imperfect lives with misfortunes and pains and by doing so makes us cherish life, empathy and mortality so that we would be able to live with God again. Over time, Beelzella's hordes over powered and toppled over the deputies/lesser gods by doing this, Beelzella was getting ever closer to the power that she sought. Beelzella has been growing stronger than what the Admin queen initially made her upon Beelzella's creation. The queen knew she had to do something about Beelzella so she ordered one of her daughters to put the essence into a holy temple in another reality called the stronghold but before that, the queen went down to Genesis Prime and ripped Beelzella's essence from her body and through Beelzella off of a ruined temple of worship for the people of Genesis Prime. So by doing that they ensured the safety of other realms and making it so Beelzella would consume the rest of existence. The queen trapped the essence of Beelzella inside an underground tomb full of other souls. The tomb in question was a resting place for other gods and served as a factory of sorts for the admin queen to come up with designs for new worlds. After the fall of Beelzella, the queens daughter pleaded to her mother to end Beelzella crushing her essence and making sure that she wouldn't be a threat to anybody, but the queen loves Beelzella and wished not to have to destroy her. And thought it would be better to keep what was now by this point, hell, contained and having Beelzella trapped in the tomb of dead gods. If Beelzella were to ever be given a physical form, then it could only take the powers of another Savior to take her out. Tho if she was slain in this manner then that means she would never get to rule again and every demon existing out of Hell that was born in hell would be erased from existence entirely because if Beelzella dies, then Hell dies, and if hell dies, every demon that was born there would lose the connection to the very reality that the Admin queen made them for. Even tho Beelzella was trapped inside a tomb in only her soul form, she was still able to communicate and deceive and manipulate people by whispers. She could talk to other demons from inside the tomb and almost brainwash them. The demons still tried to find immortality but only came to find only that they could inflict pain on others in the name of Beelzella. After order was established across most of the other realms the queen commanded her daughter to put her own essence in a holy temple so that others could still worship her and put a small hold on the creation of other dimensions. And for whatever reason her essence would be presented to any kind of danger, the queens daughter will be summoned to take her essence to a place where nobody would find it. And that place would be none other than the same tomb that Beelzella is trapped in. Which just so happened to be at the very bottom of hell. A place that only the most wicked can go yet nobody there was able to find Beelzella or The Admin queen down there. That did eventually happen at the time when another race of space gods called the Higher Powers, well rose to power. A member of the Higher Powers struck a deal with Beelzella to create a form of energy, called Chaos energy. Now later on way later on, Blicky would arrive in hell and start causing problems, as Blicky was killing already dead people, people who were allowing the flow of Chaos energy. Blicky is already a master at Chaos Energy, but when Blicky peace's the freak out of there, less Chaos energy was actually present in the underworld. Because, While Blicky was down there, he was, without anyone realizing before it was too late, siphoning up every last drop of Chaos energy that was down there and then left with all of it. And as Hell is infinitely expanding and is timeless and eternal, that means Blicky left with an insurmountable amount of Chaos energy, making him able to do literally whatever he wanted, so long as he could recognize his own thoughts and are able to turn said thoughts into power. And with all that energy, Blicky gradually becomes more and more of a maniac the longer he lives. It's gotten to a point that Blicky shakes and glitches out in red tv static and that's just an effect of holding so much chaos energy in side him. Blicky is basically a Lord of Chaos. Sometimes when Blicky starts to glitch out with red tv static, he sees glimpses of of parallel worlds and time lines. One time he saw himself in a world where he had destroyed the entirety of existence, including Death Knight but after he killed everything ever, he fell into an endless depression because he realized that while he hated Hank, Hank has always been a constant factor in Blicky's life and through the chaos has been an anchor to keep Blicky tied to reality. That Blicky had done too much damage and was eventually possessed by four space demon, members of the Higher Powers who were so unbelievably evil that existence itself couldn't bare to have these guy existing. So they got banned from existence way before when Blicky destroyed everything. And with everybody gone Blicky was already depressed but then the Higher Powers came and started using Blicky's body as a meat puppet. The higher powers kept Blicky trapped inside his own mind as his body was used for whatever the higher powers wanted, leaving Blicky to sulk in despair as he was treated to visions of the past life that used to be while he gets killed in all kinds of ways for the rest of forever. Being a murderous psychotic clown, Blicky was infamous for his smile big enough to rival the grinch, but the fate that waited for him, wiped that smile clean of his face. That fate was so bad, that the only word that Blicky could mutter was the name of the one person he hated but cherished above all things else, Hank. He called out Hanks name and his hero name in hopes that one day, he would return and save him from the monsters that took over his body and his life. Our Blicky saw this fate and stewed and pondered on what terrible force is out there that actually got him to frown, Blicky has never
frowned in his life, even when confronted with hell itself he kept that grin on his face. Anyways, without Chaos energy, Beelzella couldn't fulfill her end of the deal that she had with the Higher Powers. Then Hank, Justin, and Elena came along and started massacring demons too, and since all of these guys have been to hell multiple times, and just their fights alone are doing lots of damage to hell itself and the inhabitants, they almost stopped the flow of Chaos energy entirely.  Especially Hank and Blicky. With all the damage done to hell, down in the depths, Beelzella and The Admin Queen's essence's are on the verge of being displace, which if that were to happen, their essence's would be allowed to take physical form. The Admin queens was eventually displaced and she was back to her old self again and dipped. But Beelzella still remains down there, almost on the verge of freedom once again, almost ready to exact her vengeance. While Beelzella was trapped inside her orb and was unable to interact with other physically, what remained of her that could still effect things outside her orb was able take physical form. And that form just so happened be one of the people that are responsible for her not being able to keep up her deal. The whispers that Beelzella was reduced to, was a female Blicky. Female Blicky's name was Blixxie, and the rest of Beelzella that was still in her orb happen to be a female Death Knight who's name is Henrika. And Blixxie and Henrika have all of Blicky and Hank's powers respectively just on a slightly smaller scale.

Purgatory works like this:

Purgatory is like a mix of hell and heaven in a sense, both dark angels and light demons can be found their co existing. Purgatory is absent of time and space and is infinitely expanding as it is a mixture of the worst and the best. Purgatory exists in the middle of heaven and hell. Purgatory tho endlessly getting bigger and bigger, is made up out of 16 layers. Purgatory also works the same as hell. Each layer of purgatory is getting worse the farther down you go, because the closer to the bottom you go, the closer to hell you're getting. And it gets better the higher you go, because the higher you go, the closer to heaven you're getting. Just like how there are rulers for heaven and for hell, Purgatory also has rulers. But there are only 2 rulers. Both rulers are usually one of somewhat angelic nature and the other of demonic. Tho currently one of the rulers is of a species of alien gods Called Higher Powers or Highests. The souls of Purgatory are there to suffer tho it's like a temporary hell for bad souls that are destined to be in actual hell, and more of a purification process that just so happens to purify souls through the power of fire. So that's why people have trouble distinguishing the differences between hell and purgatory. Purgatory in a sense is almost like heaven and hell's back doors. Through purgatory you can travel between heaven and hell. But a cooler thing about Purgatory is that, it's technically the most ancient part of hell and heaven. Purgatory has existed before hell and before heaven. Nobody knows how Purgatory was made or who designed purgatory the way they did. But it's existed for a long long long time. As well as like a purification location in the after life, it's also home to a ton of dead gods. It's like a god burial site. And the essences of the dead gods is what fuels the purifying fires of purgatory. Both the rulers of purgatory are the ones who decide who's soul is going to heaven or hell. Souls that have been extremely neutral in their moral lives usually stay there longer than others, sometimes up to permanently. And people that stay there are given homes, jobs, people go to school, and basically live in relative harmony.

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