Chapter 2

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I woke up with a start, wiping the sweat off my forehead and put my hair up into a messy bun. I grab a black pair of skinny jeans and a black short-sleeved t-shirt and head to the bathroom to take a quick shower to rinse off all the grime. My nightmares are getting worse, I don't want to move, but thinking about living here any longer is starting to get to my head.

Sighing, I get out and get dressed. I look at the time and start walking towards the shop. "I should just quit, pack and leave before he catches up with me." I mumble to myself. Oof, I flail my arms in the air, hoping I don't fall straight on my ass. But before I can fall, a strong hand grabs me and stands me straight.

I look up, "I am sorry!" I quickly grab my purse and run, not even looking back. I don't stop till I reach the coffee shop. I quickly put my hair up and put my apron on. I clock in and start doing my morning routing. I realized I never said thank you to the guy that saved me, I feel even more stupid. "Great now he's going to think you are a weirdo, I mean I am talking to myself." Rolling my eyes at myself, I start by getting all the cups that we would need for the day and setting them down where they go. I get the pumps and get them set by the others on the counter so that we won't need to run out in the middle of an order.

I hear the back door open and walks in Mary, "Good morning Bianca, how are you this morning?" She asks me, smiling.

I jump and turn around, "H...H..Hi Mary." I squeak out. I turn around and start working on getting the coffee beans on the counter, so I can refill the coffee maker with more of the grounds. "I am going to go ahead and get the store open. You can go ahead and start on taking orders, after your first break I can show you how to make our coffees." I nod my head, even though Angelica taught me yesterday. I don't want to make her upset in case she fires me. This job is all that I have at the moment. I haven't started looking for anything else yet, but I really need to.

The bell above the door rings, I go to the register, "W... W... Welcome to Mary's Coffee House, w... w... what can I get you?" I look up and when I see his face, I quickly look down at the register waiting for him to answer.

"Black coffee, large." I type in and look up again, "That will b...b.. be $2.50." He gives me a $5 and tells me to keep the change. I quickly turn around and make his coffee. Putting the logo around the cup and hand it to him. He takes it and walks away.

A sigh of relief leaves my mouth, he left and put in his money and put the rest in a jar. We split the tips between us all at the end of the shift, so I don't bother putting it in my apron. I wipe the few tables that were used earlier.

Angelica walks in with her apron on, "Hey Bianca, has it been busy this morning?" I nod my head and give her a smile. "It h...h... hasn't been to bad t... t... this morning, but It might get busier." I look down as a blush crosses my cheeks. I can't believe that I stumbled so much. But the stress of talking to someone still gets to me. I hate it.

She smiles at me, "Maybe we can get good tips today." She says and walks to the back to clock in. Once she comes out, she comes over to me, "Do you want to go out with me tonight, I was thinking we could go grab a dinner and go to the new club that just opened?" She asks. I start shaking a little, thinking about all the people that would be there.

"Ummm, I don't really g.. g.. go o.. oo. out." I say stuttering even more from the stress of facing that many people.

"We can go grab dinner if you want. We don't have to go to the club." She looks at me hopefully. I sigh and nod my head. "Great!" She hands me her phone to put my number in. "What time do you want me to come by?" I look at her, surprised that she agreed just to the dinner.

"What about 6?" I smile at her and give myself a pat on the back mentally for not stuttering. She nods just as the bell rings and a group comes in. She goes to take orders and I go to make the coffees.

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