What's Troubling the Pink Haired Brit Chapter 8

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Allan huffed softly looking to the numbers listed neatly in cursive looking up whose number was his as he rolled his eyes moving through each page finally finding the two men's numbers that he was needing to contact as he dialed the first up being the Norge....Great but he had no choice. 

"Hei, Ollie why are you calling so late any ideal what time it is here?!" the energetic Nordic groaned a bit "look I am in the middle of something can't we call later" he mumbled. "God help me your stupid blonde I am not Oliver!" he snapped a little bit. "Oh, Allan you're the whiny ass brat that lives with my jordbær cupcake, What's wrong with Ollie he, okay?" he questioned looking him worried a little bit as he looked confused. 

"Thats what I am calling about I am hoping for you and that vampire freak can help me out here, Hes acting off and hasn't left his bed in a few days I am worried and hope you all can help figure this out" he muttered his usual cocky attitude dropping due to the worry. 

"He mentioned having memories of another life and a creature called a Fauchereve thing I don't know" he mumbled sighing "can you all do your hocus pocus shit and I dunno fix him?" he asked grumbling hating he couldn't do this himself. He took a sharp breath annoyed as he leaned against the wall. 

Loki took a sharp breath annoyed "Son of a Bitch I guess so listen whatever you are fucking doing right now grab every black sheet in the house right now and cover every reflective surface" he stated stern out of his usual laid back and explosive nature. "Give me an hour to get a flight and I'll be there shortly. No questions just do it baseball freak" he said slamming down the phone scrambling to gather his spell books and cross.  

"Harsh you Dragon loving fucker" he gritted annoyed as he went to grab every sheet in the house starting to cover everything thinking that may have been the problem according to the Norwegian but in reality, it went deeper than that. 

Slowly annoyed as he finished it was a few hours later before he could even get to the door a very abrupted swing of the door almost taking the tan American out the strawberry blonde had books upon books in his hand and a luggage case with him holding more things as well.

"flytte den!" he snapped a bit making the other stumble back due to the Norwegians worried appearance not to mention all the spell books he had in hand and stuff for runes. Allan rolling his eyes "Hello to you to fuckass" he muttered annoyed but pointed the other where he was wanting to go given his appearance. "In bed fourth door to the left" he mumbled. 

"Takk" he muttered out as he made his way up the stairs all the luggage and stuff coming with him as he looked around the room, he didn't sense anything out of the ordinary as he looked around the sleeping Brits room. Seeing the shattered mirror sighing shaking his head a little. "I told you to call if anything was going on idiot" he muttered quietly so he didn't wake him.

Reaching over him touching his head sighing in relief "well it's not that creature at least seems maybe illusions then but why would he be having those" he sighed softly grabbing the cloth from the side of the bed making sure to use a bit of magic to cool the water. Softly placing the cloth onto the other head being gentle not to wake him as he flinched at the cold due to him having a bit of a fever. 

"I will have to do some research on this..." he muttered looking over the scars on his wrist a bit worried he hadn't always had those had he? He took note of it getting into one of his spell books taking a seat to look after the Brit before he continued to look over each page trying to get to the bottom of whatever was going on with him.

"Hey, are you just gonn-" Allan muttered out before seeing very angry Viking eyes staring back at him. "du egoistiske faen dette kunne vært løst hvis du bare ringte før" he snarled in his native tongue of course Allan not having any clue what Loki had even said to him just now. 

"Uhhh hey listen you fucker I have not go a clue what the hell you just spilled at me I thought he was just sick!" he countered. "I don't give two fucks his body wasn't naturally recovering you should've contacted me and Vasile" he huffed trying to take a deep breath as he shook his head a little bit. 

"Sorry dude is it that serious what the old man is dealing with?" he asked rolling his eyes at the others bitterness. "Yes, it is you Drittsekk" he snapped back at him angered a bit as he slowly huffed annoyed as he continued going through his book looking for healing spells. "Something has interrupted his life now with what seems to be a life before this which make no sense all things considered but I am going to be here a few hours, so you best be on your best behavior" he said simply going back to work. 

*Two Hours Later*

Loki sighed he had gone through three cups of decaf coffee while working as he slowly but surely came to a small determination of causes. However, there was no answer to where this outside source could have come from. His amber eyes relieved seeing the other waking up "welcome back have a good dream?" he questioned a bit of a worried tone. 

"Loki why are you here dear?" he asked sitting up wincing only to have a hand lightly push him back to lay down "Stay down you got something odd going on and I can tell your aura is a bit different than normal it's like some type of arcana is at play here..." he said looking him over, staying beside him. 

"An Arcana?" he looked confused as the strawberry blonde nodded looking him in the face "to be specific seems like the Magician card would make since given your skills and abilities as a caster how the hell he got somehow bonded to you is beyond my knowledge and even contacted Vasile he has no clue either..." he shook his head. 

"Mmm not sure what I can do but that's why you've been getting ill from what I heard from your brat seems you're reliving his past life somehow and you're like a completely bonded to him..." he said shaking his head "I'll keep an eye out for anything I can do but I do recommend you stay in bed whatever he's doing to your body is draining you and your having hard time knowing who is who..." he mumbled out. 

"I-I" he was about to speak only to see the familiar of Loki's snarling red dragon a bit perched on his shoulders along with his chocolate rabbit now laying on his chest concerned for his master's wellbeing. "Fine but please do let me know about what's going on I can't stand to be bed ridden I am being drove mad by this and who knows how much Allan dear has had to deal with.

"Ja I will" he smiled simply "now that your stable while you were out cold, I did make some elixirs to help gain your strength again alright?" he said holding out the small viles. "Ah you didn't have to do that dear but, its appreciated truly I can't thank you enough for all this" he said as the Norge smiled nodding ruffling his hair. 

"One a day should start to help you with regaining your strength" with that the blonde got up going to go take his leave as he looked to him "I'm going to be continuing my research but call me or have Allan if you need me" he waved a small goodbye heading out for now. 

--------------------------------------What's Troubling the Pink Haired Brit Chapter 8---------------------------

Rough translations!

Flytte den - Move It

Takk- Thanks

Du egoistiske faen dette kunne vært løst hvis du bare ringte før -                                                                you selfish fuck this could have been solved if you just called before

Drittsekk- Asshole

jordbær- Strawberry  

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