chapter 24: you called?

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art credits: @sinchobo on twt :)

the car ride home was awkward, to say the least. bennett got in the backseat to keep razor company, and kaeya was left alone in the front, confused. he just got a call from his son to pick him and his friend up, but he had no clue as to why.

"soooooo... which one of you is gonna tell me what's going on?" kaeya glanced at the rearview mirror to look at the two boys in the back.

"uhh- its nothing, pops! razor is just... unwell, and his mom can't pick him up." bennett looked back and forth between his father and his friend. he leaned in closer to razor so he could whisper to him. their proximity made both of them a bit red in the face, which didn't go unnoticed by kaeya.

"psst! hey, razor? im thinking once we get home, we should tell my parents? it's just this is really serious and we have to tell an adult. is that okay with you?" he earnestly looked him in the eyes.

a moment passed before razor responded, slowly nodding. "..yes. that's okay, but..." he hesitated, raising his eyes to look at bennett. "i don't think i can do that again. can you help me?"

to this, bennett wrapped an arm around his shoulder and assured him. "of course, raze, i understand."

before either of them knew it, kaeya parked his car, announcing to them that they had arrived at their destination, i.e home. the boys exited the car, walking shoulder to shoulder to the front door. while kaeya unlocked it, bennett whispered to razor.

"should we tell them now? or do you want to take a little break and chill for a bit?"

"later. i don't want to bother your parents."

kaeya glanced back, curious as to what they were whispering about, but nonetheless opened the door for the two. "make yourself at home, razor."

"thank you, mr. kaeya."

"yeah, thanks for the ride, dad, we'll be upstairs." bennett rushed razor upstairs, carefully pushing razor to his room.

"go ahead and sit down, i'll go downstairs to get some snacks. you want anything?" bennett asked.

"no, thank you. stay?" razor reached his hand out to bennett, waiting for him to take it.

and he did, gently holding his hand, and was pulled my razor to the bed where he sat. bennett plopped down next to him, still hand in hand with razor. he was pushed down by him as well, and razor looked from above down at bennett.

"woah! y-you're being... bold." he muttered, not really minding it.

"yes," razor replied, "i'm sick of everything." he laid down on bennett, cuddling onto him like a clingy pet. "can i take a nap?"

"wha- of course you can. like my dad said, make yourself at home."

"you are my home, benny." he whispered, already falling asleep.

"wha- razor??" he flushed red, but razor was sound asleep on him. "you must be really tired, huh? get some rest." bennett stroke his hair, careful not to wake him.

he didn't have the heart to tell him that he was pressing down on his wounds.

after a while passed, razor opened his eyes, finding himself alone on bennett's bed. he looked around, but the owner of the room was nowhere to be found.

"benny?" his voice croaked, raw because his throat felt dry after sleeping for so long, and because he felt alone. "benny!?"

as soon as he said that, footsteps rushed to the door, bennett appearing through it shortly after. he approached razor, cupping his face in his hands softly.

"you called?" he looked gently into his eyes, stroking his cheeks.

razor reached up and held his hands, leaning his face into one of them. "yeah. why did you leave?"

"i'm sorry, raze, i had to help my parents out with something really quick. i didn't think you'd wake up. i was only gone for ten minutes."

"it's alright. i'm sorry for panicking."

"no worries! i understand." bennett sat down next to him. "it's been a while. i don't want to pressure you, but are you ready to tell my parents?" one of his hands went down from his cheek to his hand, holding it tightly.

"if you're there then... yes." razor stood up, with a determined look on his face. bennett followed suit and hand in hand they left the room and walked down to the living room.

"okay," benny said, "sit here, i'll go get my parents." he sat razor down, pushing a stray strand of hair behind his ear before smiling and turning to find his dads.

he found albedo downstairs in the lab-turned basement. "father? can i speak to you about something? it's important."

"of course, son. what is it?" he turned from his work to look at bennett.

"actually, can we talk upstairs, in the living room? razor is waiting up there, i just need to get papa?"

now, albedo was worried. he took off his gloves and protective glasses, setting them down in a designated area away from his experiment. walking towards his son, he removed his lab coat and hung on the hook near the entrance. both men walked upstairs.

"i think your father is in his office, i'll wait here with razor. go ahead."

bennett wasn't sure how the two of them alone would play out, since both of them were quite awkward people. but regardless, he cast aside his worries and looked for his other dad in the office. he found him, as expected, in his office typing away on his computer.

"this is sensitive information, you know. i hope you aren't trying to read into it, benny." kaeya teased, quickly switching to another tab to protect the information.

"how did you know i was here?? and, NO, i wasn't trying to read it. i already know i shouldn't."

"kid, i'm a detective, i could hear you from a mile away. so what's up?" he swiveled his chair around to see him.

"i need you in the living room, i have to talk to you guys about something important."

"alright, well, lead the way." kaeya stood up and followed benny to the living room, where albedo and razor were sitting. he sat on the couch near his husband, opposite of razor.

bennett took a seat next to razor, leaving no space between them. he reached for his hand and squeezed, trying to let him know that everything would be okay, as long as they had each other.

HELLO I AM HERE I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE. THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO READ MY STORY EVEN THO I HAVE IRREGULAR UPDATES. I LOVE RECEIVING ALL YOUR NOTIFICATIONS, YALL ARE FUNNY FR. but really, thank you for sticking with me. sometimes its overwhelming the support i've gotten. i worry my chapters aren't good enough, and that ppl will stop reading. but im reminded of all of you who have been here since the beginning and i sincerely thank you guys.

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