Realizing it all

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Y/N's POV*

I wake up to find myself lying on the cold hard floor of a dark basement. I see Finney still knocked out on the mattress. Why wasn't I on the mattress as well?  whatever. I get a little creeped out though because I see the grabber staring at Finney sleeping. I start to feel scared for myself and Finn. am I gonna die? does he have a weapon in his hand?  I panic but try to stay quiet because he has noticed I woke up. But then Finney wakes up.  He jumps up and he looks scared. I would be too. I am. Finney said something to him but I didn't hear because I was thinking about how I was gonna die in this moment. "I just wanted to look at you." The grabber says and then turns to me and gives me a dirty look. I am feeling so many emotions right now. And not good ones. I just want him to leave right now.

As soon as he leaves I jump up to Finney. I hug him. "Omg. How are we gonna get out of here?" I say hyperventilating. He just shrugs. He gets up and starts screaming for help. "HELPPPP! HELLPPPPP!" "Finn... I don't think anyone can hear us." I knock on the wall and it sounds solid. Not hollow or thin at all. "Soundproof Finney. Screaming is off the list." I tell him. I still can't stop thinking about how the grabber was staring at Finn. And why he gave me a dirty look after. Almost like how Donna looks at me when I am with Finney but he's not looking. I just want to go home. 

It was almost as if the Grabber had a favorite. And it was Finney. He only brought him food and soda. Not that I am complaining because 1. Finn always shared and 2. I wouldn't really wanna be a child abductors favorite. Doesn't sound appealing to me. Another thing that didn't make sense to me was his abducting me. His pattern of kidnapping kids was teenage boys. Weird but the facts. Hmm..

Later in the story

The phone rang and Finney got up to answer it. "hello?" "DO not go upstairs" "Why?" "Just don't trust me. You'll regret it" "What happens if I go upstairs?" "Its part of his game. Naughty boy." And that's where I realized it all. Realizing it all was just enough for me to be full on terrified. The grabber likes males. To be exact, young males. Teenagers. I was very disgusted at this point. This is why he was staring at Finney that way. And he gave me that dirty look because I am guessing he is jealous that me and Finn are together. Holy shit. I am even more terrified now. WHAT IF HE DECIDES TO KILL ME FOR THAT?? THATS WHY HE KIDNAPPED ME. TO KILL ME. I ran to the toilet and threw up. I couldn't handle it. I was terrified for Finney as well. It makes me sick to even think about what happened to griffin, Billy, Vance, Bruce, Robin... I can't let anything happen to Finn. I must stay alive. I cannot bear to think of things he could do to Finney. No time to be fearful. Don't worry Finney. I promise I'll get you out of here my love.

A/n: Eh this story was okay. I just needed to post one so I could feel good that I haven't given up on this story LMAO. Anyways, sorry I went MIA. I have been so busy. Hope this story is decent enough. ALSO, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 100 READS ON THE OTHER CHAPTERS!! i CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I FEEL ABOUT THAT. And thanks to the one person that voted on a chapter. I love you. Alright, Love all of you and Good night/day!

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