Name/Nickname: Alex Jace Jefferson or AJ, Ali, Lex.
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: From first glance he is a loner, he is nice, caring, loving, quiet, emo, he is goofy most of the time also is adventurous. But when he becomes El Lobo, he has more confidence in himself to take down supervillains, he becomes more braver than ever, brutal when it came to supervillains not learning their lesson or doing the same to innocent people, he uses his inner rage to take out on them too, sometimes remains quiet to show he means business.
Appearance: He is black of course with little hispanic mixture. His hair style is that curly/wavy look. His eye color is brown.
Outfits: He has black hoodie underneath is a black shirt with a skull on it but switches to a plaid black/white hoodie. He has some black hot topic pants. He usually wears some black boots or can use some high top converse. For formal occasions he can wear a suit, sleeping style is just a white shirt with some plaid red pants and some socks.
Hero or Villain: Hero
Weapon: He can use hands basically like grappling hooks just like El Tigre.
Abilities: He's able to use the ancient wolf spirit, super strength, jumping, super speed, and engulf his hands into flames.
Costume: it's the same as El Tigre's but a wolf. He can transform into his alter ego by spinning the belt buckle, the only change is his eye color turning purple.
Likes: Video games, horror movies, hang out with his friends, taking down bad guys, sketching and taking walks.
Dislikes: being alone with himself, typical bullies, every enemy that tries to kill him, people who are entitled, his past and his father.
Friends: Manny, Frida, and others who genuinely care for him.
Crush: Frida he was already starstruck just by her style and her sense of adventure. At one point it was Zoe, but he knew his self worth and those feelings burned away.
Rival: Django
Enemies: Sartana, Zoe, Django, Serigo, and others who genuinely want to kill him.
Family: Serena and Adrien Jefferson. His mother had similar curl hair to Maria with brown eyes, just has more of model figure as her skin was more lighter being hispanic. His father had wavy like long hair that reaches his middle back, averagely tall and muscular, his eyes were green and brown skin with a mustache.
Backstory: Before he moved to Miracle city, he would live in America specifically in New Jersey. When he was about six years old, he would sit alone having been the weird kid in school by talking to himself or been made fun of for his hair typical bully stuff. It didn't help the fact that his home life isn't too good when it came to his parents having arguments as their relationship had crumbled away because of Adrien got more abusive and cold. He got laid off his desk job as Serena was a baker hence why their son is good at cooking later on in life. But they ended up getting a divorce and she took her son over to Miracle city to have a better life with her culture especially a family secret that was the ancestry El Lobo. Unaware that her estranged husband his done the same and she took care of Alex for halfway of his life until she ended up getting sick really bad and then passed away. So he was more emptier than ever losing his safe place that was his mom and grew up fast at a young age being an orphan. It didn't change much at his new school being picked on for his mom's death, so the bullying was more brutal and got beaten up a lot. But one day when Sartana of the dead was attacking the civilians, she would threaten to kill the boy until El Tigre showed up saving his life which leads to the very next day at school he meets Manny and Frida becoming his first friends though he never felt noticed until now. He finds the El Lobo belt in his basement that was kept hidden as one last birthday gift from his mother with a little letter, he would become a superhero eventually tells his friends and grew feelings for Frida because how protective yet outgoing she truly is. Upon becoming a superhero he would gain an enemy that was Django and their fights would be a little brutal but Alex always won especially when he gets super quiet, lastly when he does cross path with his father it'll definitely be awkward but also violent because he became a supervillain as well and was aware of his wife's passing basically doesn't care so yeah you can imagine how that will go.
Other: By the time he reaches high school he does gain a coping mechanism for using weed since he becomes a little bad boy but still adorable.