2. The dumbest thing I've ever done.

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Today was a mistake.

The show was far more worse than she thought. She sighed. At least she and her friend had fun yelling at the TV. She was on her way back after lunch.

Kayra walked towards the nearest bus stop- at least she thought did. She recognized the area she was in, but she knew it was nowhere near the bus stop.

Did I pass it? Do I have to keep walking? Maybe I should call Anna and ask for directions... But that would be embarrassing since I've been here before...

She carefully took in the surroundings. Her eyes settled on a small shop. Something in the window caught her eye. She contemplated for a while.

A few minutes wouldn't make a difference would it?

She ended up giving in. She crossed the street to the shop.

It was an antique store; a number of small trinkets were displayed at the glass window. What had caught Kayra's attention was a jewelry box. It didn't look like it could hold much, but it still very pretty. She lifted her head to read the price on the paper pasted on the glass. The price was also very pretty.

I should have know antiques would be this pricey.

She read the name board; 'Sam's Antique Shop'. She stepped inside. Maybe she could get directions from an employee.

The antique doorbell rang. The place was packed to the brim with items. Wind chimes and authentic dreamcatchers hung from the ceiling. An array of things from old paintings to voodoo masks were on the wall. Smaller items made of china and porcelain stood on shelves. Cardboard boxes containing less fragile items were scattered across the floor. At first, the afternoon sun had seemed to create a surreal atmosphere in the shop. Like she had stepped into the setting of a book or movie. Soon it was too strong, almost dulling her senses like when she was compelled to take an nap. If she wasn't careful she might damage something.

Second thoughts made her put Anna on speed dial.

Probably due to all the products, the lighting abruptly switched- from the blinding afternoon sun reflecting off glass objects, to low visablility. It was dark enough for the only source of light to come from a small glass pane near the ceiling. Due to the lack of light, she was extra careful. Soon she was at the back of the shop. She eyed the wall to her right. More items were on display, the most notable being a large wooden mirror.

I wonder if I can find this 'Sam'?

It was dangerous to leave the shop unattended, especially an antique. It wasn't even locked up.

She turned to face the mirror, taking in it's details. It was large enough for the frame to be used as a doorway. The intricate designs were luxuriously elegant. But something about the mirror was unsettling.

It was then she noticed.

She couldn't see her reflection.

The glass part of the mirror was like an black hole, it didn't reflect what little illumination was present. She considered the possibility of the mirror somehow being broken. But would a broken item be put on display?

Suddenly green flames flared up within the mirror. Kayra abruptly backed up into the rack. She heard a voice;

Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor... My proud beautiful flower of evil.

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