Chapter 3 "Canterlogic Annual Show"

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Inside the factory of Canterlogic, Dr. Wolf continued to walk forward as the rest of the earth ponies trotted alongside.

Oh my Celestia. Dr. Wolf thought to himself. Is this really all technology? He couldn't help but stare at the machinery as the work ponies were busy getting everything ready for the show.

Dr. Wolf then turned his head. He saw Deputy Sprout pulling Sunny's smoothie cart. As he watched, a foal came galloping through the crowd, and almost made Sprout trip.

"Hey, watch it!" Sprout called out to the foal. He shook his head in disbelief and continued to walk forward.

Dr. Wolf winced. That wasn't very nice of Sprout. The little foal was probably just trying to catch up with his mom so he wouldn't get lost in the crowd.

"Welcome, everypony," A workpony greeted. "Got any questions about the Canterlogic factory? Happy to answer them." The workpony then looked at Dr. Wolf. "Got any questions about the factory, kind sir?"

Dr. Wolf smiled nervously. "No. I'm good. But thank you for asking." He quickly trotted away before it could get awkward. "That… was interesting. I wonder what else could be here."

Suddenly, the lights went out. Dr. Wolf couldn't see anything. Did the factory have a power outage?

Suddenly, multiple spotlights turned on and were pointed to the large stage, getting everyone's attention. Dr. Wolf sighed and looked at the stage.

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for," A loud booming voice announced. "As the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last 20 moons," Dr. Wolf held his breath as he watched a logo appear on the screen. "Please go wild for the one and only Phyllis Cloverleaf!"

A pale pink pony walked onto the stage. She had a bright yellow mane and tail, blue eyes, and wore bright pink glasses. And her cutie mark was a bar graph depicting rising stocks.

Dr. Wolf smiled. He couldn't help but admit this mare was probably really successful. No wonder there was technology in Equestria now.

"Thank you!" Phyllis greeted. "Thank you so much! You're all too kind." She looked at the crowd and stood up straight. "We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you,"

Dr. Wolf was intrigued. If this show was all about protecting ponies, maybe he could suggest some ideas to Twilight when he gets back to his timeline.

"from ponies like that!" Phyllis pointed the audience's attention to a couple of posters, showing pegasus and unicorns as shadowy demons, antagonizing scared earth ponies, to which the audiences booed in disgust.

Dr. Wolf gasped. "What? But that's not right." He said to himself. "The unicorns and Pegasi aren't a threat to the earth ponies. But, on the other hand, they did threaten to stop helping the earth ponies grow their crops back before the founding of Equestria."

Dr. Wolf wasn't sure what to think. He wanted to leave, but if he did, then it would make him suspicious to the sheriff and deputy. He took a deep breath and sighed, watching Phyllis.

"And like I always say," Phyllis began. "To be scared is…"

"To be prepared!" The audience followed after her.

Now, Dr. Wolf was shocked. A product line that uses fear to prepare ponies? He could only imagine if Twilight or Lightning Bliss were with him, they'd both disagree on the idea.

"Oh, I love it!" Phyllis said as she continued. "That's right. So let's start the show!"

And with that, the spotlight was no longer on Phyllis. Now, it was on a mare as she strutted down the stage. She was wearing a helmet with an antenna.

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