Chapter 3: Meeting an Illusionist Thief

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(Izuku is seen in a book store, reading "Pride and Prejudice" in peace as there's no criminal activity lately. Suddenly he feels a tap on his shoulder, and turns to see a green haired girl.)

Izuku: Hey there.

????: Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with something

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????: Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with something.

Izuku: Sure. What do you need help with?

????: Come outside.

(Izuku nods, and then he presses a button he hid in his pocket. Then Shockwave comes in.)

Shockwave: You called, my lord?

Izuku: Can you watch over this book store for me? Let me know if someone here is up to no good.

Shockwave: (bows) Yes sir. Leave it up to me, sir.

(Then Izuku and the girl walk outside the book store leaving Shockwave to watch over the book store. As the two walk out of the store, the girl speaks.)

????: I think I have something in my eye and I need help getting it out.

Izuku: It can't be too hard.

????: It's in my right eye.

(Then she uses her semblance to make Izuku see something in her eye. Then they stare at each other's eyes. Izuku puts his hand near her right eye and moves it back.)

Izuku: You just had a piece of hair in your eye.

????: Thank you for your help. Can you point me the direction of the nearest cafe.

Izuku: It's down that way, and you take the nearest right.

????: Thank you so much. My name is Emerald by the way.

Izuku: I am Izuku. You're welcome for all the help.

(Suddenly they hear the door open, and Shockwave comes in holding a gray haired girl.)

Shockwave: I caught her in the act, sir. Attempted murder against the book store owner.

Izuku: Any specific reason for her to commit this crime?

Shockwave: The owner explained that he used to be a member of the White Fang, but decided to own a book store in Union City to have a peaceful life, but apparently the past came to haunt him. Then he came here to have a job and some really peaceful time.

Izuku: So this girl tried to kill a faunus because he abandoned the White Fang.

Shockwave: Exactly.

(Izuku then glares at the gray haired girl.)

Izuku: I hope you realize such act won't be taken lightly! Your execution will be at 6 o' clock PM, local time. (to Emerald) Sorry if you had to see that. If there's something I hate the most, it's true villains.

Emerald: I see.

Izuku: It was nice talking to you, Emerald. Now excuse me, my friend and I have some matters to attend.

Emerald: Nice talking to you too, Izuku.

(Then Emerald walks away while Izuku and Shockwave take the gray haired girl away.)

Emerald: They were right, the laws in this city are more effective than in Union City. I need to be careful.

(Then she goes to a cafe, where she takes a sip of a coffee, and suddenly all screens change to the scene of Megatron preparing to execute the gray haired girl.)

Megatron: People of Cybertron City. This citizen was caught in the act trying to kill a book store owner, who was a faunus. You know what happens when acts like this are commited, don't you?

Citizens: Execute her! (x2)

Megatron: For the will of my people, this criminal will pay with her life!

(Then Megatron blasts the girl, killing her, and this surprises Emerald.)

Emerald: (surprised) So this is Megatron...

Citizens: All hail Megatron! (x4)


(Izuku is seen relaxing as he takes a sip of his cofee, and then he pulls out his scroll to see some news. Suddenly he feels someone sitting next to him, and then a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see Emerald.)

Izuku: Hey, Emerald. Nice to see you again.

Emerald: Nice to see you too. I saw you sitting by yourself and I wanted to talk.

Izuku: Okay, what do you want to talk about?

(Then Izuku and Emerald talked about some random stuff. Emerald finds Izuku an interesting person.)

Emerald: We should hang out later.

(Emerald then pulls out a slip of her paper and writes her scroll number in it.)

Emerald: Call me when you want to hang out.

(Emerald hands him the paper, and he puts it on his pocket.)

Izuku: Alright. My schedule is open right now, so I can call you later if you're free today.

Emerald: I'm free for a next couple of days. So you can call me whenever you want.

Izuku: Cool. I'll talk to you later.

Emerald: Talk to you later, Izuku.

(Then Izuku gets up and walks away as Emerald is actually excited by seeing him.)


(Emerald is seen walking to Izuku's house, which looks like a palace, and then she knocks the door, and a vehicon opens the door.)

Vehicon: How can I help you, ma'am?

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Vehicon: How can I help you, ma'am?

Emerald: Does Izuku live here?

Vehicon: Yes, he told me you'd come. Follow me.

(Then the vehicon guides Emerald to the throne room, where Izuku is seen sitting until he sees Emerald, and then he gets up and approaches her.)

Izuku: You made it. And quicker than I thought.

Emerald: I was in the nearby area. (looks around) Nice place you got here.

Izuku: Thanks. My fellows do their best to keep it nice.

Emerald: What do you want to do?

Izuku: We can play videogames if you want.

Emerald: Sure, just don't complain if you lose.

(Then they played Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.)

(After they played, Emerald then placed her lips on Izuku's. He gets shocked at first, but then he melts in the kiss. They break the kiss and Emerald rubs her hand on his face.)

Emerald: I love you, Izuku.

Izuku: (smiles) I love you too, Emerald.

(Emerald then smiles and snuggles on Izuku's chest. Then they go to Izuku's room as the screen fades out.)

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