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As we walked out of HQ my life literally flashed before my eyes, or rather, the pap flashing us left right and center. My breath hitched and Scarlett pushed past them while keeping a firm grip on my wrist, glaring at a few as they asked questions.

"Whos the new girl ScarJo?"

"Can you tell us anything about you and Colin, how is rose handling split parents, is it true that you've refused Colin from seeing his own daughter?"

"Scarlett over here! Is it possible that you cheated on Colin leading up to the divorce?"

"Shut the fuck up and leave us alone" I ripped my arm out of Scarlett's grip and spun around to that last reporter and stood up to him. The actress narrowing her eyes at me, i could feel them burning the back of my head. "Ah the new girl has a voice, you seem to be pretty protective over Johansson. Is there a reason, are you the reason why her and Colin are still having issues? Are you the home wrecker?" He instigated and I froze momentarily but shook it off when he smirked and shoved a microphone in my face. "Uh no I don-"

"Hey jackass, stay out of my fucking business, what happens in my life has nothing to do with her. She's an intern. Nothing more nothing less" Scarlett growled and grabbed my arm again, dragging me to her car. My breath hitched as her words sunk in. Nothing more nothing less. "And that is why you ignore them Y/n" she rolled her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh as started the car, moving well away from the group of paps.

"I was defending you! The least you could do is say thank you" I bit back and crossed my arms but her glare made me shrink in my seat. She didn't say anything and instead rested her free hand on my thigh. "Two hands on the fucking wheel Scarlett" I shrugged her hand off and her jaw clenched the slightest. Not another word was uttered the whole ride to lunch. She pulled up at a cute little place kinda out of the way of everyone and she turned to me. "Are you going to run your mouth again or are you gonna behave like a good girl" my cheeks have never been so red so quickly.

"Behave" I mumbled and looked down, playing with my rings and she nodded curtly. We exited the car and made our way inside, the lady seating us to a free table and I swear to god Scarlett was jealous. "My name's Caitlin and I'll be waiting you guys today, can i get you two started with any drinks?" "Iced tea lemonade thank you" Scarlett ordered and the waitress turned to me twirling her pen in her hair. "And for you pretty girl?" I blushed and stumbled over my words, "I'll uh have the um-" "The same as me thank you that's all for now" Scarlett almost growled out and this Caitlin girl rolled her eyes at her and winked at me.

"I thought you were gonna behave princess, that doesn't look like behaving to me. Am I gonna have to teach you a lesson?" Scarlett warned and my eyes challenged her. "I didn't do anything. She was flirting with me" I rolled my eyes and winced when Scarlett grabbed my hand drawing attention back to her. "Do not roll your fucking eyes. This is the last warning" her voice was low and raspy and my eyes were trained on her lips. God she's perfect. I nodded my head and picked up the small menu, Scarlett doing the same.

"Alrighty guys here's your drinks and are we ready to order some food or not just yet" Caitlin placed the drinks down, lingering a little longer towards me. I could practically see down her top. My eyes went wide when Scarlett cleared her throat, clearly catching me red handed. "We're ready to order, I'll have the carbonara and she'll have the same" Scarlett's voice was low and territorial, and hot might I add. "I'm sure she can speak for herself, what would you like beautiful" Caitlin huffed at Scarlett and turned to me, grinning when she saw where my eyes were. "The button broke just before so I'm having no luck today" the waitress giggled as I was snapped out of my gaze. "Uh um I'll just have what ever she's having, she comes here often I don't" I looked up at her and then looked to Scarlett who was already looking at me with a coy smirk.

The waitress hummed and finished up with our order, heading back to wherever she needs to be and Scarlett had the most jealous face I've ever seen. "You're so obviously is cute" I teased but shut my mouth real quick when she got up and sat next to me. "I would watch myself if I were you" she whispered lowly, letting her lips linger a little too close. Her hand squeezed the inside of my thigh and I had to hold back a whimper.

She never moved back to her original spot and instead continued to trace small soft patterns on the inside of my thigh. "Scarlett she's coming" I panicked a little but her hand stayed firm. "Good" she replied with a smirk and squeezed my thigh a little higher than before, indeed getting a low whimper out of me. "Here you girls go, if you need anything else please call me over" the waitress sighed in annoyance and placed the two plates down, Scarlett thanking her and receiving an annoyed nod.

"Eat up buttercup, you're gonna need the energy" Scarlett sing singed as her hand never left my thigh. This woman was going to be the death of me. We are in a comfortable silence Scarlett only really speaking when an idea for the brand came into her head and me just admiring and nodding along. Sooner or later the waitress came back again to check on us and Scarlett very very obviously turned into me and kissed my jaw, nipping it gently.

My brain short circuited. "Are we done babe? We've got things to do" she mused and smiled proudly at my unfocused state. "Mhm yeah finished we're done yes" I stumbled out and blushed when I heard her chuckle. "Thank you Caitlin, it's been lovely but my girlfriend and I are gonna have our desert back at home" Scarlett told innocently but we all knew what she meant. Hell if my body wasn't the obvious reaction (to Scarlett and her only as she had her hands VERY close to me), I'm sure my cheeks were.

"Not a problem thanks for coming, see you never" she placed the bill and walked off, Scarlett turning to me and giving me the most sexual eyes I've ever seen. My god. "Let's go" she whispered seductively and I was a complete pliable mess of submission. She paid the bill, grabbed my hand and we made it to her car before she turned to me a grabbed my face, pulling me into a hungry kiss. "We're taking a detour"


The next chapter will be what y'all have been waiting for (:

hope y'all are havin a great day!

xx tal

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