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A day before marriage
Tae came to Lee kingdom with the help of Jimin and he and y/n ran away.

The news went to King Lee. He was angry. Prince Rayan was invited as a guest in marriage. He had planned to destroy Kim's and Lee's cause his kingdom is under Kim's and princess Lee insulted him. Prince Rayan added fuel to fire. He said that taehyung has manipulated y/n and many more thing.

Prince Rayan : you majesty Kim's also wants your kingdom now. You should do something to save this kingdom

King Lee : How dare he i will not leave anyone. Kill every person who helped y/n in running away.

King Lee ordered this but didn't knew that his whole family was involved in this.

When Jimin was talking with y/n queen Lee listened to him . That day Jhope jk Lara and Suzy were also there. They came there too meet her. And her guard's also helped her . And there was another person who helped her he was her cousin also


Jimin : i will help you

Mrs Lee : i will also help you

We too said all of them entering inside her room. Her eyes fell on person who she respected the most. His elder brother who was her cousin.

Y/n : jini Jisoo i missed you

Jin : we too missed you we all will help you

Y/n : but you all have to leave after helping me cause of dad came to know you all helped me he will hurt you all

They all nodded.

Jin : Mr and Jisoo will be on the gate you get you out of palace and then we will leave

Jimin : Me and rose will help Tae to come in and then we will leave

Jk and lara : ride From us

Jhope and Suzy : we will handle here everything

Namjoon and Yoongi : we will be with for your safety

Y/n nodded
Flashback end

Everything was perfectly planned but Prince Rayan messed up everything . He already had planned to attack Lee kingdom. It was a chance for him to get Lee kingdom because everyone was bussy in y/n's marriage. He was ready for war. His army was wating for him on the boundaries of Lee kingdom.

Prince Rayan : I think you find them they will not be far away.

King Lee : your right

King Lee was angry he decided to kill taehyung and get y/n back . When Prince Wang came to know this his heart broked into million pieces. He loved y/n madly. But she broke her heart he was also angry. He went to Jimin to ask some questions

Prince Wang : Jimin i loved her then why she did this to me

Jimin : she is you Life but her life is taehyung. She loved her from a very long time. She tried to tell but King Lee didn't let her do this that's why she left.

Prince Wang : i also loved her

Jimin : but she didn't. Her father forced her Jackson

Jackson hugged Jimin and cried his heart out. He loved her but he can't see her sad too.

Jackson : If she loves him then we have to save them

Jimin : i know let's go

Rayan pov

Now my game begins. I will rule Kim's and Lee's.

Rayan : guard let's go

Guard : ok Prince

He left.

No one knew who helped y/n too ran away. But Rayan knew. He decided to kill every person who helped her. He wanted to seperate y/n and taehyung and also wants revenge from her and He wants too kill taehyung because taehyung father killed his father. And also taehyung got   y/n by his side . He was jealous. 

Tae and y/n was in Forest. Jk and Lara help them but have to leave because y/n father was behind them. Y/n stopped as she was out of breath. Tae also stopped

Y/n : Tae i can't run more. Please leave me and go . In a tired sound while catching her breath

Tae : no i will not leave you alone here

Y/n : no leave

Tae held her hand and said

Tae : I promised i will never leave you so i will never

Y/n : let's go then

Tae and y/n were running but King Lee caught them.

King Lee : You son of bitch how dare you

Tae : i love her

Y/n : dad please leave him please

King Lee : Soldiers separate them

Soldier separated them. They both held each other hands tightly but it was of no use. 1 soldiers held y/n and 2 held taehyung.

King Lee : your time is over now you have to die

Y/n : no dad please

She cried but he didn't listened. She tried to get out of soldiers grip and she succeeded in it. King Lee took his sword out and was going to stab tae . Tae closed his eyes and was ready to feel pain but he didn't felt any thing. When he opened his eyes his eyes widened. Y/n was standing in front of him and sword was stabed in her chest. King Lee took out his sword. Y/n fell on her knees.

King Lee also fell on his knees.

Tae put her head on his lap. He was crying now

Y/n : don't cry tae. What if we didn't meet in this life we will meet in other life

Tae : please don't leave me please

King Lee : why why you saved him

Y/n : i love him

King Lee broke down into tears.

Tae : are you happy now you killed my love what are you wating for now kill me also . Kill me

After hearing this king Lee understood that he had done a big mistake he separated two lovers who loved eachother truly and most importantly he killed his own daughter

Y/n : dad promise me you will never hated taehyung he loved m-me p-promise me

King Lee : promise princess.

Tae was sitting there like a lifeless body. He saw his love. She was dying in his hands. Her breath stopped. He was not able to hear her heartbeat.

Tae : y-y-y/n w-wake u-up p-ple-ease

She didn't woke up. She was dead. Her dad saw her lifeless body.

King Lee : i am sorry my daughter i an sorry

Tae : your sorry will not give my love back.

King Lee : i am sorry to you too

Tae : leave from here you killed her she is nothing to you. I will do her funeral go . Go away

King Lee knew he did wrong. He was blind in his anger that he killed his own daughter. He knew he don't deserve her.
He left to his kingdom. Here taehyung took y/n in his arms and took her to his kingdom.

King Lee arrived at his palace and got news of attack by Prince Rayan.

King Lee : get ready for war .

Guard  : ok sir

King Lee : we have to protect our kingdom.

Jimin : King we will also come

King : ok

Boys went on war and women's stayed in palace

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