Only Through Conflict

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“Clotted Cream Cookie!” Custard Cookie called out for his adopted son.

“You have a very nice place.” Financier Cookie complimented the golden house, looking at the many decorations on the hall’s walls. She shadowed Custard Cookie, her sword swaying with each step. She had been assigned to be the Consul’s personal bodyguard today. Clotted Cream Cookie was busy with affairs outside of the Créme Republic and was reported to return as a decision was being made at the elderś conference.

A door opened, Clotted Cream Cookie appeared with his usual charming smile and golden cloak. “Hello, father!” He exclaimed, stepping towards the two cookies. “I came as soon as I could after being called. What is it that the elders need of me?” His eyes turned to make eye contact with Financier Cookie. Her gaze was serious. Before his adoptive father could answer he gave his best smile to the paladin. “Ah, I’ve heard many a tale of your accomplishments at the Republic’s Paladin Academy. You must be Financier Cookie, is that right?”

“Yes, Consul.” She nodded to him.

“Introductions aside, you’ll get many more chances soon, I have important information regarding you.” Custard Cookie put a hand on his son’s shoulder. The light from the window reflected off of Clotted Cream’s golden shoulder pads. “The elders and I have made the decision to assign a personal bodyguard to you.”

Clotted Cream’s smile faltered slightly. His eyes widened and he leaned his head in closer. “I’m sorry, what?” He asked again as politely as possible.

“We are assigning you a bodyguard, Consul.” Custard Cookie repeated. He cleared his throat, moving back to Financier, putting a hand on her shoulder. “This is why Ser Financier Cookie is here with us today. Since she is the best paladin the Créme Republic has to offer, she has been assigned to follow you to other countries and protect you from potential danger.”

Clotted Cream’s eyes darted to the paladin, back to his father. “Wh-” He closed his eyes, stopping himself. He had to stay professional. “May I ask why this decision was made? I am never in any immediate danger to warrant a bodyguard.”

Custard Cookie let out a small sigh, putting his hands behind his back. “There have been rumors spreading around the commoners that there have been plots of an attempt at your life, Consul.” He frowned with a bit of worry. “So we must address that issue, even if it is a false rumor. We can’t take any chances.”

Clotted Cream’s charming smile disappeared fully. “But, father! I can hold my own in a battle, too, you know. I can take down any fiends who make an attempt."

"Consul, this is not up for debate." Financier butted in, her eyes were slimmer than before. She was judging him.

Clotted Cream took a breath. "Okay." He threw up his arms. "You're right." He turned to Custard Cookie. "May I escort Ser Financier Cookie to another room for a private discussion?"

Custard Cookie let out a low groan, eyeing him with suspicion. "Very well." He granted permission. "Do make it quick though, Clotted Cream."

"Thank you, father." He bowed. He looked at Financier. "Come, follow me." He gave a fake smile.

He led her into a quiet room close to the hallway where they had separated. No other cookies were in the room. There were many bookshelves that outlined the walls. There was a window behind a large desk, paperwork neatly stacked on both sides, one much higher than the other. She noticed that the taller stack had signatures and writing on them. “Is this your room, Consul?” Financier asked.

“Yes, but that doesn’t matter.” He huffed. “You were probably at the elder’s table during the discussion; why did they appoint me a bodyguard?” He put his hands on his hips.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2022 ⏰

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