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In the middle of the night, with the hour approaching shortly before midnight, Dan turned in his bed, awake: he turned himself one side, ten minutes would go by, and then he turned the other side. Ever since he switched the lights off. The boy wasn't looking for a comfortable position to sleep, quite the opposite: he was above all trying not to fall asleep.

In his nightmare the night before last, he lost control of his mind and body and because of that, he went after his friends.

The boy looked at the ceiling of his room and sighed at length. He turned his head and watched his partner sleeping on his desk: he was so peaceful, curled up like a cat, with his wings wrapped around himself... Then the brown rose and went to open the window. He looked at the stars, his head resting in his hand but remained silent. Then a voice addressed him.

" Not able to sleep, Dan Kouzo ? "

Dan leaned out the window and looked into the garden, looking for any intruders. When he found no one, he raised his head to the roof: crouching on the top of the house, lurking in the dark, another boy stared at him with a smirk. His black hair and dark cape floated in the very cold wind of the night, but the little light from the moon lit up the mask that was hiding half his face.

" Magnus..." he announced aloud.

Magnus raised his hand and waved it in a gesture of coming.

" What are you waiting for? Come and join me."

Dan hesitated, but quickly changed his mind: he discreetly picked up a sweater in his wardrobe and put on his shoes, without even worrying about putting socks on first. Then the brown came out the window and climbed the front of the house. When he arrived on the roof, he sat next to the masked brawler who turned his head towards him, before turning his attention back towards the sky dotted with stars.

" What are you doing here Magnus ? " Dan asked looking at the other boy. He didn't answer, what made the brown sighing. The two continued to watch the stars shine without a sound.

" It's relaxing, isn't it? " Magnus questioned, his head still raised towards the heavens. Dan did not bow his head even for a moment to answer him.

" Yeah, it's true it's relaxing..."

A peaceful and almost intimate atmosphere was created between the two boys. Finally, the boy with ebony hair broke the silence.

" You can't sleep because of him, can you ? "

Hearing his words, Dan clenched his fist, acknowledging the truth.

" This whole story started because of my nightmares ", he saw from the corner of his eye his companion turn his attention to him, " Haavik manipulated my dreams for several nights, systematically turned them into nightmares!"

" And those nightmares, what were they about ? "

Dan blew, loosening his fist of defeat.

" I was dreaming... that I was destroying the city and ordering Drago to do as much damage as possible."

Magnus did not utter a word, feeling that he had something else to add.

" But even though I know I'm free, I still have that feeling. That if I ever fall asleep, Haavik will succeed once again in taking control."

" And that's why you're not sleeping ", concluded the ebony-haired brawler, only getting a nod as a response. Suddenly, Magnus turned around, grabbed the brown boy by the wrists and tackled him against the roof.

The sudden tackle took Dan's breath away as he tried to recover, until he realized that the other boy was now leaning against him, chest to chest.

The masked brawler gave little importance to the proximity of their faces, and focused on the boy under him.

" Look, the Dan who saved me from Tiko has a good heart and is generous, even though he sometimes has an ego bigger than Earth. What you caused was Haavik's fault: it wasn't you. And even if he succeeds again, I swear I'll always be the one to make your ideas straight and bring you back! "

Dan looked at him, speechless at his words. Until the moment he remembered that he was still stuck under him, and tried to free himself but without success. This made appear on the other boy's face a small smile.

After a number of attempts, the brown gave up. But he bent his head to the side, with a confused look and furrowed eyebrows.

" Magnus, if you really think that about me, why don't you want to be friends? "

The question made him stand up, freeing the torso of the Pyrus brawler.

" What do you mean ? "

" At the Bakugan Battle League, when we were on the Haavik boat. You told Ajit we weren't friends." Dan explained, "Do you just consider me your rival? Someone you can have a good fight with? You really don't want me to be your friend? "

" I said that because it's true: we are rivals. Being friends would mean that I feel friendship for you."

At that moment, Magnus approached him and placed his mouth a few centimeters from his ear. And he uttered the rest of his answer in a deep and somewhat sneaky murmur.

" And this is absolutely not friendship that I have with you..."

Dan blushed, hearing not only what the boy with the ebony hair said to him, but also the voice with which he had spoken.

Finally, he stepped away from the brown chest, letting him stand up and sit down again. He plunged his hand into the pocket of his cape and pulled out a small black ball. He threw him into the air and his partner, a black and purple dragon with two heads, unfolded. He turned one last time to his companion.

" Have a good night Dan. I'm eagerly waiting for our next real battle."

He jumped off the roof and landed on his partner's back. And the two flew away.

The brown-haired boy looked at them with an affectionate smile, then came down to his room. He made sure that his partner was still asleep to get into bed. Thinking back to the words he was told by the Darkus brawler, his worries flew away and he fell asleep in snap of a finger.

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