Chapter One,

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Zala's POV.
I woke up to the sounds of birds tweeting outside my window. I looked up at the sun as it glowed bright in the sky. I smiled as I slid out of bed. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and opened my door to my room. I went to make myself some Honey Bunches Of Oats when Nikolaj, my younger brother, came into the kitchen.

"Mommy said you had to make me pancakes." Nikolaj whined. He's eight years old and still acts like a baby.

"I have a hard time believing that." I grumbled. At times, Nikolaj can be a butthead, and when I mean at times, I mean 99% of the time.

"What do you mean! I've never lied in my life!" Nikolaj whined more.

"Niko, if you were Pinocchio, your nose would be longer than Croatia's coastline." I sighed. Niko looked at me confused. I facepalmed.  Damn it, Zala, think! How would a second grader know such geography? That's right, they wouldn't.

"Just go sit down and watch TV or something." I groan.

"How do you turn on the TV again?" Niko asked.

Figure it out yourself. I thought to myself. I'm glad it didn't slip out of my mouth, though. Mom treats Nikolaj like a king. Whatever he does, good or bad, is still somehow a "good thing". one time, he wrote "I hate you" on my wall because I didn't make him ice cream before dinner. When my parents got home, they spoiled him with treats because he learned how to spell a "hard word"

Pathetic, isn't it?

I sigh as I walk over to the living room and grab the remote from the coffee table. I push the power button, and turn on the TV for my brother.

"There. The TV is on." I sighed.

"Turn on Gravity Falls!" Nikolaj demanded. I groaned as I snatched the remote from him and turned on Gravity Falls. I sighed.

"Now, can I get some breakfast now?" I asked rhetorically. I didn't care for his input. I didn't have any input from him to care about. He was too lost in Uncle Stan doing whatever the hell he does in Gravity Falls. I have no idea what all this hype is over Gravity Falls. It's just some conspiracy show on Disney that for some reason, has adults attracted. I cringe at the amount of Gravity Falls fanfiction that my friend Liza sends me. It drives me insane.

I went to the kitchen to get my cereal. Finally, some peace and quiet while Niko watches his show. I sat down at the kitchen table and ate my cereal. I decided to check my phone for messages. Nothing spectacular, just a few YouTube recommendations that I don't care about, and some emails from Quora that don't matter to me in the slightest.

Mom came down the stairs soon after I finished eating. I put my dishes away in the dishwasher, and my mom wraps her arms around me.

"Morning ZuZu." She smiles as she gives me kisses on the cheek, and a few too many for my comfort.

"Morning mom." I chuckle. She smiles at me.

"So, you're starting at a new school tomorrow. Remember what I told you about this school. It's way bigger than the last one. There will be a lot more people here than at your old school..."

My mom was the queen of tangents. Whenever she had something to say, she would blurt all of it out until she was short of breath.

"Okay, mom. I understand." I chuckled. She pulled me into another hug.

"My baby is growing up." She trembled. I chuckled slightly.

Once that event with mom was over, I went into my room to get dressed for the day. I sighed. What chaos would tomorrow bring? I would be going to a new school with new people, new classes, new everything! I'm kind of nervous, but I guarantee that I'll be fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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