Chapter One

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The last time Harley Keener had been happy, truly happy, was before the Blip when Tony Stark told him he would pay for his college tuition and "was not accepting any arguments." Harley had been ranting again about how much college was and how little they paid his mom when Tony wrote a check and just made all his worries go away.

To him, Tony was more of a father than his real dad had ever been because Tony fixed things. He helped people.

In hindsight, that tuition money did jackshit during those five years when Harley was virtually alone. Alone, waiting, for his mom and his sister to come home. Taking care of the house. Fighting off freeloaders and looters. Answering every phone call because Pepper, and then Tony, were worried about him.

In the end what good did it all do, he wondered, as he dug the old suit out of his closet. He could barely hear Happy over the daze he was stuck in.

His real dad, the dad he wanted, was gone.

There had been no phone call, no warning, just a knock at the door. Harley had sprinted past Riley to get it, practically tripping over his own feet. Maybe it's Tony. He promised he'd come.

Instead, Happy Hogan graced the threshold of the Keener home, a solemn look on his face. A little older, a little scruffier, a little sadder than the last time Harley had seen him.

Instantly, Harley knew something was wrong. It was almost a new skill, being able to sense bad news. The last five years had trained him well for terrible happenings.

Now, he was standing in his living room, bags in hand, prepared to do the one thing he had never wanted to do. After saying goodbye to his mom and Riley, he climbed into the car, his knees knocking the seat in front of him. The last time he had seen Tony in person, Harley had teased him relentlessly for being a mere 5' 9" to his gangly 6-foot frame.

Thinking of that only hurt more.

"Pepper will be happy to see you." Happy said, trying to keep up the mood as they drove. "And Morgan. She'll need her brother."

"Happy, I really can't do this right now," Harley grumbled, voice shaking. "I appreciate it, but I can't."

"It's okay kid. Take your time." Happy smiled at him sadly in the rearview mirror and rolled up the divider.

Harley unbuckled his seatbelt and spread out on the seat, staring up at the roof. After a moment, he spoke. "FRIDAY?"

"Hello, Mr. Keener. Nice to see you again."

"Do I have anything from Tony?"

"Yes, but you are to watch it at the cabin. Boss's orders."

Harley bit his lip, eyes blurring with tears. Finally, he allowed himself to cry.


Harley fell asleep at the three-hour mark, so Happy had to gently wake the boy upon arrival.

"Happy, are all the Avengers here?" He asked quietly as they approached the porch.

Happy hesitated. "No. Not all of them."

Harley nodded. "I understand. So, it'll just be a few fucking sad super people, not all of them."


"What?" He turned to glare at the man. "I can't be upset?! He was my dad, alright?"

"Harley..." Pepper Pots (or was it Stark? Harley still didn't know) stood in the doorway, a shawl around her shoulders. "Harley, you have every right to be upset."

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