welp, this happened

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Daishou, Akaashi, Yamaguchi and Atsumu were talking, when kita joined them, Atsumu greeted his captain happily, explain to the captain how he and his brother were fighting more then usual and how upset he was, when Daishou said “hey kita, i’m stealing your setter, thanks!” and grabbed Atsumu and Yamaguchi and ran. Akaashi went after the other captain, “babe no!” he called after him. Kita just grabbed a shoe, and silently walked after them, not letting Daishou take his setter, or Yamaguchi, Atsumu was not sure at this point.

Eventually Daishou did get away, and tried to recruit Atsumu and Yamaguchi to his team, while Akaashi just gently shook his head no at his lover. “He was gonna kill me with shoe!” Daishou argued. “Still, give them back to their captains,please love?” “no! He’s gonna kill me” “yeah I am” kita said, chasing after Daishou again, making Atsumu and Yamaguchi confused. “So back to Yamaguchi being the secret love child of Akaashi and Daishou. “What-” Akaashi said with a blush.

A/n ::
It's extremely short, but most of these will be-

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