wedding day

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"Get up kooks, there's a loooong day ahead of you" Jimin said shaking Jungkook a little bit.

"Let me sleep more"

"Get up koo"








(Incase you got confused, Jimin was saying yes and suddenly said no. Because of that Jungkook said yes without realising)

"Very good now get up" Jimin smirked after he tricked him successfully.

"Ugh! Why?"

"You are getting married duh"

"Oh today?"


"Oh right!" Jungkook came back to his senses, instantly got up and ran to the bathroom.

After he left, Jimin went to wake up yoongi and Taehyung.


"Let's go now, or else we'll be late" Jimin said pulling Taekook inside yoongi's car.

They were going to the hall where their wedding will be conducted. Everyone is gonna come there. Their friends and relatives
The rest of the works will be done there. Makeup, dressup, etc...

As soon as they reached there, Jimin pulled Jungkook and ran to the dressing room. Same goes with yoongi and Taehyung.


"Wear it kook"

After changing, Jimin did a bit makeup.

"Why do you look so beautiful?!" Jimin asked covering his mouth with his hands dramatically.

"I don't know chim" Jungkook replied laughing.

"I'm so happy today"

"Me too chim" Jungkook as his eyes teared up a bit.

"Don't ruin the makeup koo!" Jimin yelled, jokingly.

"Ok ok sorry"



"Wear this and you don't need makeup" yoongi said and smiled a bit.

"Yeah" Taehyung smiled in return.

"Taehyung" yoongi called out in a stern voice.


"He's my bestfriend. Take care of him, don't hurt him, always support him in whatever desicion he takes, don't be controlling he doesn't like that, help him in his works, make him feel loved. Once again... Don't. Hurt. Him"

Saying this, he released his breath, smiling. He felt proud of himself.

Taehyung smiled and nodded, noticing yoongi's love and care for his baby.

"Don't worry.... I love him"


Taehyung's POV:

Why am I feeling so nervous?

I stood there and everyone is looking at me. Mom is waving to me, Jin and namjoon sitting there, smiled at me.

Hobi hyung is also there showing thumps up to me while showing off his beautiful smile.

I saw Eunwoo staring at me. Jealousy was definitely visible in his face, but he... Smirked...? What's going on inside his mind....

All the relatives and friends are looking at me and I'm sweating under their stare.

Suddenly the door opened revealing the prettiest human being in the whole universe.

My Jungkook.

He looked so soft and delicate. Oh my god... Why is he so beautiful? I can't take my eyes off him...

He slowly walked and stood in front of me. He smiled showing off his bunny teeth. I smiled back at him.

I was too focused on him that I forgot, many people were around us. I turned my attention towards the priest who was smiling at us fondly.

"Let's start the wedding"

"Tae, whatever lies ahead of us, we will face together... Distance may test for a time and time may try us... But, if we look to each other first, we'll always see a lifeline, for better or worse, richer of poorer, in sickness and health, in joy and in sorrow, to love and to cherish, to be faithful to you alone..."

"Baby, I vow to be your biggest fan and your bestfriend, to learn together and to live together and to celebrate with you as my husband.... In this book of our lives, here is the chapter where I say to you, that we lived happily ever after..."

We shared our vows as I heard the priest say,

"You may kiss the groom"

I smashed my lips onto his. Many cheers and congratulations could be heard, but I only need him right now.

We shared a very beautiful and passionate kiss.....

Our first kiss as husbands....

"I love you, my love"
"I love you too, my world"

Taekook always and forever...

Hey guys!!

I'm feeling soooooo happy!

See y'all in the next one bye bye :)

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