Halloween Horror

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It was a dark and stormy night, and the leaves were crunching underneath my feet as I walked along the street. The moon was only a sliver in the sky and the air was very cold- a night like horror stories are made of. Autumn was finally here and we were only 2 days away from Halloween. There was a loud sound of booming thunder off in the distance. Hopefully the storm passes in the next day. I was a freshmen in college and I had all of those college parties to look forward to. I've heard the Halloween ones are killer. I made my way back to my dorm. I was staying a few nights with a friend that lived in town. Let's just say my roommate wasn't at college for the education. I slowly peered around the corner and it reeked of vomit and alcohol. I strolled right up to the door and slowly revealed my horrid room. Upon opening of the door an unpleasant sent forced its way into my nose. The stench reminded me of a mix of rotting fruit and a corpse of an animal that's been rotting for months. Not only did it stink, but the room was a wreck. It was like a tornado came into the room and only ripped apart things inside the room. There were clothes everywhere and I didn't even know my roommate owned this many clothes. Not only clothes, but there were masses of different beer bottles, cans and so many other types of alcohol substances. I looked over at his bed and he's passed out. I tried to wake him up but he wouldn't budge. I turned toward my bed and gently peeled away the top blanket that was sitting on my bed, luckily I made my bed before I left. I slowly laid down and kicked of my shoes. I drifted off into a deep sleep but for only a moment. I was suddenly woken up by the voice of Ethan. "David. David. David. Wake up David." He mumbled. I slowly opened my eyes to see Ethan with his brown hair a mess and his green eyes just staring at me. He was only wearing boxers and to my surprise holding a beer. "Dude! Put on some clothes." I exclaimed. "Hey, man I'm in my own house I want to be comfortable." He stated while the stench of alcohol hit my nose. "Did you have a party while I was gone?" I questioned."Yeah man! I wish you could've been there it was totally killer. I don't remember most of it, but I'm pretty sure it was killer." He proclaimed. "Ethan I told you not to be having so many parties. Especially when I'm not here. I mean look at this place it reeks and its trashed." I declared. "What are you talking about its just a little mess. I even told everyone to stay off your bed. So you should be thanking me." He demanded."Thanking you? For what trashing our room. If you keep these parties up I'll turn you into the cops because I know you had tons of illegal stuff here. That's why you can't remember most of it." I protested."Hey man, that didn't happen okay? Some chicks brought over these bags of stuff and we just went all for it. I don't know what it was but it was some good stuff." He argued. "See that's what I'm talking about you make some really stupid decisions. Come on man you just took what ever it was in that bag. You never know it could have killed you." I stated."But it didn't" He responded."What ever man. I got class so I'll catch you later. Make sure this is cleaned up. I don't want it to keep smelling like something died in here." I asked."Yeah sure, what ever dude." He mumbled. I put my shoes on and headed out the door and started heading to my class. On my way there I ran into Raven who was also on her way to class. She's been my crush since we were in high school together. Now we are in college together too. Its got to be a sign or something."Hey Raven." I yelled. She turned around as her thick, long and curly hair whipped around. Her hair flowed as if it was a red river. She turned and looked at me with those bright green eyes that glistened in the sunlight. "Hey David." She said with a glow. "Hey, are you going to the Halloween party tonight?" I asked."Well I didn't plan on it. Why are you going?" She replied."Yeah, I was going to see if you wanted to possibly go with me? Ethan's probably going to be partying and getting drunk like he always does." "Um sure I'll go. I'll throw together something together for a costume when I get back to my dorm. When does it start?" "I think its like eight o'clock tonight. If you want to we could meet up somewhere." "That sounds great. Text me or something I got to go. I'm gonna be late for class.""Alright catch you later." It seemed like the longest day of my life. Last time I asked her to go out somewhere it was a disaster. We went to the movies and not only did I spill the soda all over her because I couldn't keep my balance, but I ever puked on her. She said it was the worst night of her life. I'm surprised she even said agreed to go with me.I watched the time slowly go by as I stared at the light blue clock. The hands on it seemed to be getting slower and slower. Each second went by the seconds hand just moved ever so slowly. My heart was racing and I felt this huge knot in my stomach. After long hours of what seemed like endless waiting class was finally over. As soon as our professor was done I jumped out of my seat and bolted out the door. I instantly started my way to the mall which wasn't a very far walk from the college. I wanted to find an awesome costume for tonight even though it was last minute. I frantically examined all of the costumes on the few isles of Halloween. Finding all sorts of costumes that varied from princes to wolves to zombies. I decided to go as a vampire because the typical vampire was just a classic. Quickly I swooped up my costume and rushed to the check out. There I found myself waiting in the what seemed endless line. I tapped my foot in anxiousness. My heart racing as the sweat on my forehead slowly dripping down my face. My stomach quivered at the thought of having to actually keep a conversation going with her, which seemed impossible for me. If I'm talking to her knowing that its somewhat of a date then I freak out and puke. I prefer not to have the vomiting catastrophe happen again. Finally I reached the register. I felt compelled to have to start a conversation with the lady checking me out. Even so I didn't say a word to her because I wanted to hurry up and get back to the dorms. Then suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. I reached into my pocket and opened the message which read: " Hey David! I was wondering if it was possible to meet up sometime before the party starts. : ) I want to grab something to eat with you before hand because I hear that the food at these Halloween parties suck!"Completely surprised I wasn't even sure if she wanted it to be a date or not. Then again regardless I suddenly felt even more nervous. My stomach began to ache even worse and I wondered if eating was even a good idea or not. I responded with:"That sounds great! When and where do you want to meet up at??? And did you want me to already be dressed in my costume???"I rushed out of the store and started making my way back to the college. I stopped to the sound of distant screams and what sounded like the shattering of glass. I turned around, but I didn't see anything up the road from where I was standing. I assumed I was hallucinating and kept on walking. My phone then went off again with a text reading:"When ever you decide to come over to my dorm! I cooked some spaghetti so I figured it would be cool to eat it together : ) and of course wear your costume silly! We are gonna go to the party right after we are done eating!"As soon as I finished reading the text I immediately sprung into high speed and just started sprinting. I instantly went back to my dorm. As soon I got there I bolted through the door, flung off my clothes and flew straight into my costume. I had the cape, fangs and everything. I put a little bit of fake blood where my fangs sat on my lower lip to give it a bit of special effects. I started to walk over to the girls dorm to go and see Raven. When I had just passed through the door outside, then I heard a bit louder than before scream and groaning this time. I didn't think much of it, it was probably some people getting a good laugh out of scaring some people because well it was Halloween. I finally arrived at her door and knocked on it. I then grabbed my cape and covered half of my face. The door creaked open and I stared straight into her eyes that were as green as grass."I von't to suck your blood" I announced in my best Dracula voice. "Really? A vampire costume. You couldn't think of anything else more creative?" She laughed."What Dracula is a classic!" I grinned."Oh really sounds to me like Snoozeville!" She smiled."Like you're the one to talk you don't even have on a costume!" I groaned."Well maybe I wanted to go as myself. Would that be an issue? Am I not scary enough for you?" She asked."Well...no... I mean well... I don't think you're scary." I stated nervously."Relax. I'm only joking. I have my costume I just was gonna wait till after we ate to actually put it on is all." She declared. I walked into her dorm and we sat down on her pale blue couch. There were already two hefty plates full of spaghetti sitting on her chocolate brown coffee table. We sat there as I slowly ate. I was so nervous all I did was stare at the coffee table while I devoured the sweet spaghetti. I was too nervous to even make eye contact with her. I was so nervous I was more focused on trying to keep my food down than anything else. We didn't really talk until we were finished. She stood up and walked over to the sink. I just sat there in silence. "I'm gonna change into my costume. I'll be out in a sec." She announced as she stepped into the bathroom. Nervously I waited... My stomach was starting to cramp and I started to sweat more than normal. I felt as if I was going to pass out or even vomit. I couldn't even sit down my legs began to become restless and I kept moving my legs. After a few seconds I became even more nervous to the point that I couldn't keep sitting down. I jolted up on my feet and took my dirty plate to the sink and rinsed it off. I paced back and fourth through the room. I stared only at the soft tan carpet as I went from wall to wall walking. Raven paraded out of the bathroom. She had on this torn up white dress. There were splats of red all over the pale white dress. Her face was painted a dark green and looked as if it was flaking away. She had cuts that looked dried out and old and others that looked fresh and oozed of blood. Still I could see her eyes as clear as day her green eyes just glistened in the light. Her red hair was a mess and her bloody veil fell half way across her face. It looked as if it was torn off. "Well what do you think?" She grinned."You look amazing." I blurted. She laughed with her luminous smile. We made our way to the party. Her in her amazing costume and me the lame twit next to her. I felt ashamed of wearing suck a simple and dumb costume. I mean Dracula... I seriously couldn't have picked anything more lame. We arrived and there were hundreds of people there. There were so many costumes I couldn't even begin to describe them all. There were princes, witches, bunnies, kittens, princesses, wolves, mermaids, and so many others it was insane. People were just downing their drinks, which had alcohol in them. I seen Ethan but he was way to drunk to notice I was there. Raven and I danced around and had a good time for about an hour or two then we both decided it was too loud. Not only that but people were getting so drunk they started vomiting everywhere and some people even started to pick fights with each other. We didn't want to be in the middle of that. We found our way to the fountain in the middle of the college. We sat down on the bench in front of it. I looked at Raven and her face make up was starting to wear off but even though it was, her costume was still way better than mine will ever be. I looked at her and stared right into her beautiful eyes and thought to myself: "Wow she's gorgeous." I stared off into her eyes as they sparkled in the moonlight under the stars. "David." She whispered softly. "Yes Raven?" I replied in shock."I...." Then suddenly an axe came out of no where and sliced off her head like butter. Her headless body shot out the red liquid. The fountain became this deep dark shade of red in almost in instant. I looked over in shock and standing right before me was a person, but the person wasn't even living. It was a zombie. I jolted up and started sprinting. Each step I look pounded and shook my whole body. My heart was racing so fast it felt as if my heart was going to just pop right out of my chest. I took one glance back and the zombie was carrying the dismembered head of Raven in one hand and the dripping with blood axe. My head was going a thousand miles per second and the only thing I could think was run... My mind in a puzzle my first instinct was to go straight back to my dorm. The zombie was slower than me so I managed to get a little bit ahead of them. I raced into the room closed and locked the door. Not even paying any attention, I started piling things in front of the door. My bed was first and any other furniture we had. "Hey man what's the big idea?" A voice said. I turned around and it was Ethan. "Dude what are you doing here I thought you were getting wasted at the party." I gasped. "Nah I got a little drunk but I'm not too bad. I'm not sure why I left I just felt the urge to come back here." He laughed. "Well there is no time to talk right now there are real life actually zombies headed here to kill us!" I yelled. "Woah man what drugs did you take?" He graned."Look man, I'm completely sober. They already took off Raven's head earlier and one of them was chasing me and there has to be more of them coming." I quickly stated. There started to be pounding on the door. It turned quickly from pounding to ramming. Then the axe started to come through the door. "BELIEVE ME NOW?" I yelled."OH MY GOD WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE MAN!!! HURRY GRAB THE BEER AND LETS BLOW THIS POPCICLE STAND!" He screamed in fear. "Come on!" I yelled. "Out the bathroom window it's the only other way out." "Look man I'm not leaving with out my beer. They were expensive man!" He groaned. I grabbed him by the wrist and started to drag him out the window. We got out the window and my first instinct was to run. Dragging Ethan behind me I stumbled trying to catch my balance but I kept running. Ethan kept tripping over his own feet and slowing me down. I looked around for but a moment and there were zombies everywhere. They were chasing us some just stood there. It looked like the whole town was infected by this monstrosity. It looked like we were the only ones that had made it alive so far. Ethan kept yelling at me to slow down. He was still pretty drunk and not really 100% sure what was going on. I yelled at him to stop tripping and to keep up the pace. I heard him yell but I wasn't sure what he said. Still holding on to his wrist I kept running, I wasn't even sure where to go so I looked for and abandoned car with the keys still in it. Suddenly it seemed like Ethan stopped tripping over his own feet because He was going faster than he was before. I just thanked him in my head and kept running. I kept trying to go faster and Ethan was keeping up with me. I turned behind me to see how many were following and that's when I realized that Ethan's arm was no longer attached to his body. It was cut clean off. I held the detached arm in my hand in shock and realized I had no chance. There were so many of them running wouldn't even do any good. I stopped and stared at the arm of my roommate Ethan. The end looked like shredded up hamburger meat. I could see the while part that was his bone sticking out of the dead limb. The cold night air and the starts that twinkled in the sky seemed like heaven. One of the dead people tackled me to the ground. It started stabbing me with a pencil. The warm tears that fell from my face felt like a bit of warmth bliss in this cold night. I could start to feel warmer as the liquid from inside me slowly oozed from my body onto the ground.I felt the sudden pulses as I was stabbed repeatedly with this pencil. I stared to the sky as I looked at the stars for one last time. The wet stream where my tears fell suddenly felt cold again as the brisk breeze of the cool Autumn air hit my face. I could see the pool of the warm red liquid out of the corner of my eye start to form.I looked upon all the zombies running before me. One of them dropped in front of me Raven's Bloody head right in front of my face. My eye sight began to blur. I reached over and gently stroked her knotted thick orange hair. I laid my hand on her cold skin and slowly stroked her cheek. Her eyes were still as green as ever. The face of the zombie costume was still somewhat there. I could still see her freckles because the face paint had worn off. My world started to go black. The thing that still true as ever was that man was she beautiful...

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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