Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Bianca's POV

I decided to go see Charles. After all it was going to be the last time that I see him for a long while. His limo stopped me at a beach. It was the same beach that he took me for that date.

I got out the car and walked into the beach where I saw him waiting for me. Charles was sitting down on the sand, he was playing with it. He turned around and saw me approaching him, and he gave me a small smile.

"I'm glad you came." He said smiling at me.I just sat down without responding back to him.

When he noticed I didn't respond he looked upset.

"Okay we have a lot of things to talk about Bianca." He said and I just nodded.

"Well, Ashley is pregnant." He said slowly. I gave him a stupid look. I obviously knew that. How could he think I would find out? It was plastered all over magazines and news channels in a matter of a few hours.

"I know." I shrugged my shoulders,I showed absolutely no emotion even though I was hurting. I wanted this relationship to last but it obviously wouldn't because he was married to someone. I don't even why I thought this would work.

He looked shocked. "How did you know?"

"The news." I shrugged again.

Charles looked at me with guilt, "Bianca it was before you and I got together and-"

"Charles i'm not mad at you. I know it was before me and I kind of have something important to tell you. Two things actually," I started."Well my flight is today at midnight first of all."

"But you said April 14-"

"I know I got it mixed up. Well I mean technically it is going to be April 14. But anyways,the second thing I have to tell you is that," I took a deep breath, "We can't be together anymore." I said looking down, not wanting to see his face.

"Are you serious? No Bianca. You are not leaving me." Charles said determined. He grabbe dmy hands.

"It's for the best." I said as coldly as I possibly could. If we were being honest, it wouldn't have worked anyways.

"How? How is it for the best?!" He yelled.

"Because.. You have a wife and a baby coming your way. That's why. And you know what else? You're a King who lives in Europe and i'm a teenager who lives in America!"I yelled. I was starting to get irritated.

"You love to see me hurt and upset don't you?" He said looking at me in disgust.

"I never wanted to hurt you but all you have been doing is hurting me! You even attempted to leave Ashley, at the end of the day, you always run back to her!" I looked up at him. He stood up from the sand and began pacing back and forth.

"You always find a way to hurt me!" He yelled at me.

"Charlie! Think of how I feel. I'm the secret girlfriend of a king who has a wife and a baby along the way. Why are you being so selfish?" I stood up as well.

He stopped pacing and grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry. I've never thought it that way. But I still don't think that we should separate. I don't want you to leave me. Please don't leave me." He begged.

"I'm not going to leave you. I'll always be here with you. Just not in terms of a girlfriend." I smiled at him.

"Bianca you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You may find this weird but I - I love you." He said looking directly at me.

I didn't know what to say. I definitely didn't love him but I didn't want to hurt his feelings."Charles , I - I um-" I stuttered.

"It's okay Bianca if you don't say it back. I know that things take time with you," He said smiling at me.

"Come here." He held out his hand. I grabbed it and he brought me around the table to sit on his lap.

"I never meant to hurt you Charles. But I'm leaving and plus I need to protect myself. " I said while a tear fell down my eye.

I couldn't believe I was crying. And I couldn't believe that Charles was the only one who able to get me to cry.

"Bianca, I could make you the happiest girl in the world, just like you've made me happier than I've ever been." He wiped my tear and kissed my cheek. He hugged me and put his face in my neck. It was comforting. I sighed.

"Hey Charles, can we break tomorrow or in a few hours I guess?" I asked him.

"Can we never break up?" He mumbled.

"Charlie." I warned.

"Fine. But why?" He stood up with me.

"You know we have only dated for like a week?" I asked him sniffing.

"Yes I know." He grunted.

"Well since we're most likely never getting back together-"

"Don't say that." He started getting angry.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," I grabbed his hands. "Let's go do all the things that couples do that we never got to do." I said.

"That sounds boring." He rolled his eyes.

I sighed. "Charlie I'm trying to do something for you and-"

He cut me off with a kiss. I instantly pulled away. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Because we are still a couple until tomorrow." He shrugged.

I sighed. I guess he was right.

I am so sad that this book is ending. This was my first book and it's already finished. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter.... until next time. And also thank you all so much for 80k reads!!!!

-Badi/ B.

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