Hi everyone, and welcome to the first chapter of "How To..."! I hope you all like this and if you have any requests on what should be in here, please tell me! Thanks~!
Before you stay up, you should:
1. Choose a room or two to stay in so you don't wake up your parents, grandparents, or whoever you live with! Make sure there's enough space for you and any friends who will be staying up with you!
2. Get some snacks, games, movies, etc. that everyone will want and put them in the room(s) for the all-nighter!
3. Hide everything you put into the room(s) to make sure no one gets mad.
TIP! —— If you're not allowed to be up, be quiet! You should also think of some good excuses if you're caught up!
All nighter:
There are four major stages of the night - Keep in mind you'll be WAY sleepier at 5AM than at 9PM!
Stages of the Night:
Early Night: 9PM - 12 AM
Midnight: 12AM - 2AM
Late Night: 2 AM - 4AM
Sunrise: 4AM - 8AM
TIP! —— You'll get really sleepy the longer you're awake, but if you want to go through the entire night up until 8AM or 9AM, you can do it! Just keep talking with friends, or if you're alone then just play games, read, watch a show, or snack or something!
If you get bored, you'll want to go to bed, so find something fun to do! Just don't be too noisy, especially if you aren't allowed up!
That's really all you need to know for an All-Nighter! I'll put in some more chapters later! I hope you all enjoyed this!
How to...
SachbücherA wattpad book about how to do things. It won't be boring, I promise :D