All Because Of That One, Amazing, Perfect Day.

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"Beep! Beep! Beep!" You wake up to your stupid alarm clock and groan. You have today off and you forgot to turn the damn alarm off. You looked at the clock and it read: 12:00. 'It's pretty late actually' you think to yourself. You hop outta bed and look outside the window. Light flashes in as you squint your eyes. The sun is shinning bright and you decide to go for a swim at the public pool. Heading to the shower, you pick out a bathing suit with skulls on it. Once you reach the shower, you turn on the water and strip from your clothes. You put your foot In first, making sure it's the right temperature. Finally, you got the water nice and warm. Your whole body steps in the shower and you start washing yourself. Once you finished your business, you slip into your bathing suit and head out to the car. Once your car roars to life, you start speeding down the lane, trying to have fun. I're only 21.

You get at the pool very quickly because of your reckless driving. Stepping out, you see how beautiful and clear the pool looks. You smile a bit and head to the gate. Shit. There's a code. You forgot the code. You never really intended on learning it. You knock on the gate but no one comes to open it since this is such a snobby place. You would try to climb it...but you're not very athletic. "Need to get it?" A deep sexy voice says behind you. You turn around and fall into a gaze with him. You just couldn't get your eyes off his beautiful hazel eyes. "Y-yes.." You say finally. He gave you a little smile and opened the gate. "Thank you.." You giggle. "No problem." He smiles and walks inside the pool area.

You watch him as he removes his shirt; ready to step in the pool. You set yourself down and get ready to tan. But you stop when you hear a whistle. You look in the direction that it came from and smile. It was in that guy who opened the door for you whistle. He then acted like he didn't even do it. This made you giggle. "I'm the way.." He said, a bit shy. "I'm *insert name here*." You smile. He just nodded and smiled.

"Watch this." He then did a 360 flip into the pool. You were so amazed. No one you knew could really do that. Once his head popped up onto the surface, you spoke, "that was amazing!" He just smiled that sexy smile more. "You should come I'm the pool." Frank said. "Okay.." You smiled shyly. You removed your sandals and climbed in the pool. "I would flip into the pool...but I can't flip." You chuckle. He gave you a small laugh and swam towards you.

"Has anyone told you you're beautiful? Cause you really are." He winked. This melted your heart. Yeah, people have called you beautiful, but your family members. Or a friend. Never a stranger. "Thank you." You smiled widely. "You're beautiful too." You say, without noticing you called a man beautiful. "I'm beautiful?" He laughed. "" You smiled a bit. "Really?" He returned your smile. You nodded and he swam even closer, his face not even centimeters away from yours. His breath was giving you chills. He wasn't talking. Just staring into your eyes. Then, he closed them. You copied as he leaned in, touching his lips to yours. Your lips' moved in perfect sync. Like you were made for each other. Once you finally pulled away, you were blushing furiously. He just flashed you another smile. "We should do this again sometime." He smirked. "Yeah..we should." You giggled.

About four years later, Frank and you had many dates, you ended up getting married, and having children. All because of that one, amazing, perfect day.

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