01 | wakanda

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"What happened" Y/N asked the soldiers who were sent to kill the people in the huge boat.

"All dead" one of the men spoke in their language.

"Are you sure?" She asked them.


"If any other surface people attack or invade kill them" She told them before walking away walking back in the cave and placing her crown down on the table.

"Their dead, all of them" She told Namor who was painting on the walls.

"Good we can't risk anyone getting hurt"

"They have a Vibranium detecter" She told him.

He slowly put his paintbrush down and looked at her.

"I'll take care of it" He reassured her and picked his paintbrush up again and returning to his painting.


"Where are you going?" Y/n asked Namor as he was getting ready to swim up to the surface.

"To speak to the people" He gave her a quick look.

"Speak to them or fight them?" She scoffed lightly.

"Speak to them" He calmly said.

"Namor, these people haven't done us any harm, they don't even know we exist" She told him.

"They have something we want" He said.

"You want"

"Our people want"

"Talk to them first, please do not start anything, not yet" She practically begged him.

"I promise I will not" He walked up to her and put his hand an the sides of her face.

"I promise you" He spoke gently.

"Be careful" She said one last time before he walked away and swam up to the surface.

She knew he wouldn't keep his promise. He never did.


(This parts kinda boring sorry but I really wanted to include it"

Walking out of the water Namor approached the two women pointing spears at him.

"Stop! Who are you? How did you get here?" The older lady yelled at him.

"This place is amazing, the art is pure and water, My mother told me stories about a place like this, a protected place whose residents do not have to leave and they don't have to change their nature, why would one reveal his secret to the world" He looked around in awe.

"I'm not a women who tends to repeat herself, who are you?" The older lady asked again.

"I have many names, especially from my wife" He laughed lightly

"but my people call me Ku'ku'lkán, and my enemies call me Namor" He continued.

"The US military discovered Vibranium under the land of my kingdom...I could prevent them from extracting it" He chuckled lightly.

"But we need wakanda's help to prevent this from happening again, They use a machine designed by an American Scientist" He finished speaking.

"The "Vibranium" only exist here in Wakanda" The women said.

"Mother hes covered in it" The younger women said to the older women.

The older women looked at the Namors jewlery as he looked down with a smirk on his face.

"Your son exposed the power of Vibranium to the world and because of that other nations are searching the planet for it his choice has compromised us. I think Wakanda could find the scientist and bring them to me" He paused.

"It is only fair that wakanda helps to solve our dilemma" He finished off.

"You do not sneak into my country and tell me what is fair" The older women shouted at him.

"I have more soldiers than this land has pints of grass and they have uncountable strength. I would hate to come back under different circumstances" He sighed before bending down on one knee and putting the shell down.

"When you have the scientist, blow into this, place it in the ocean, I'll be there shortly after wars, with someone very special to me because I didn't want her to think I didn't try" He said and stood back up.

"For your own sake dont mention anything about me outside of anyone of wakanda" He Said and slowly started walking back into the water with a last look he turned around and dived in the water.

Sorry for this short chapter I promise their will be longer ones in the future!

But I wanna have more chapters with this book so there might be more shorter ones!


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