1 Party

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With 1 mistake could ruin a life for a 16 year old, 1 Drink could cause trouble, 1 Rumour could cause a life, 1 Cut could lead to 2 , 1 hoot could leave you mindless, 1 boy could break your heart, 1 picture could circle the school.

" Come on Jaxx, everyone's at the party already" My party animal friend, Willow Johnson repeatedly yells to me. "I said I'm not going" I holler at her. "Come on get dressed, let's hurry and go" Willow says frustrated. I do manage to jump of my couch and groan. I walked slouched to my room and then got ready to go to this stupid and dumb teenage party across town. Willow jumps and shrieks in happiness. "We're gonna have so much fun" She giggles like a school girl well I put on my black leggings and Bob Marley sweat shirt. I threw on some vans on."let's gooo"I yell. On the way out the door I grab my key and my phone off the charger.Well this nights going to shit.

We arrived at the party and already it was 9:00 pm and there's people passed out and red solo cups everywhere. Teen girls younger then me and older grinding on guys.The music was loud . We walked in the house and automatically Willow left me for her popular and stupid friends. Thanks Willow! Across the room this guy who's about 6'3 and looked stoned out of his mind. His eyes scanned my body up and down over and over. Until i finally got annoyed. This party's stupid, what kind of teens like Parties!

I moved so he would stop looking at me. I went to the living room and there's about 4 bongs,and 5 joints in this "weed circle" of about 12 people. There's a cloud of marijuana in the air and the stink of it lingered. They waved their hands to join them and I shook my head to signal a no. "Come on, it's fun" They slowly said. Couldn't stay in this room either, Then I walked out casually walked out bring no attention to me like always.

The room to the left of the hallway was a bathroom, I knocked a few times and no one seemed to be in there and I slowly opened it and then closed the door bringing it to a lock. Breathing in and out heavily and texted my friend Piper.
Jaxx: Hey what's up?
PiperPoo: Not much
Jaxx: Do you feel like being a hero tonight?
PiperPoo: Why what's up?
Jaxx: Willow dragged me to this party and like I just don't want to be here.
PiperPoo: I would but I'm grounded and my parents are watching me like a hawk.
Jaxx: Haha, yeah i forgot your still grounded!
PiperPoo: yep!

I left the bathroom.

When I walked out of the bathroom I found girls pointing at me. Of Course it's Queen Bitch Macy. They pointed at my shoes and Bob Marley sweatshirt. Giggles and giggles from bitch group fill the sounds of the party. I walk around the corner and bump in to a girl, with a breath of beer and weed.

She looks up and says that she has been looking for me. I realized it was Willow."This guys was checking me a-a-lll the time" She stuttered from her craving for a sip of beer." Wow, sit down" I console her as she wobbled back and forth. That guy she was talking about was obvious older then her.

Then Willow made a sour and contoured face as a teen boy behind me looked down at my butt and made a surprised face. "He likes your butt!" Willow smiled."What's going on willow?"I asked. "a party stupid" Willow rolled her eyes. "h-H-Have a beer" Willow shoved in my arms. Then the room became quiet and everyone looked at me, "Look it's Jaxx actually having fun and having a beer" someone yelled."No she's not she's gonna deny it, like her dad denied her as his child" Macy announced to everyone. You see me and Macy used to be friends.

One summer in the 6th grade Macy  and I were talking to each other when she asked why my father left me and my mother stayed. Well my dad left because he thought that I wasn't his and my mom knew I was. He denied and denied that I wasn't his. Macy spat out that no wonder he didn't want me it was because I was ugly. Ugly, Ugly, Ugly repeated in my head violently like a song on repeat. She laughed as I started to cry and she walked away and went back to her house. Since that she has been popular spreading rumours and her legs. I was bullied day in and day out. Walking in to a room was the most difficult. They pointed at me and laughed.

Since those days I been more low key and I don't bring much attention to myself fearing the fact it could start up again.

When Macy said that my heart shattered in to millions of pieces and I lost myself again. There was one way out of this to drink that beer. So I brought the cup to my lips, While my knees where shaking tremendously. I tilted my head back and sipped the beer. The taste was tingly and weird."Guess who's not a good girl any more" Macy smiled while she turned her back.I started to feel a little looser as people started to see me more as a human being. They clapped and some guy saw me as I tried walking to the bathroom, when i was escaping.

Just as I was about to open the door, He pulled my shoulder back face to face with one of the cutest guys I've ever seen. His face was chiseled and his black hair jelled up.His eyes were perfection the blue in them was like a frozen pond."That's not fair what Macy said, Well fuck your dad if he left you that's not your fault anyways, your beautiful" he said to me. Tears rolled down my cheek and onto the floor. He pulled me in to a hug and embraced me which seems to never have happened much to me. My tears rolled on to his sweater now not on to the floor. I stood their motionless and then my lips began to move but I know he couldn't comprehend what was going on in my brain."Shhh... It's ok" he shushed me."Do you want to go?" He asked me obviously caring about my feelings. I nodded up and down.

           He said "ok let's go"...


Sorry for the short beginning chapter.Hope you like! (Even doe it sucks :3)

Please leave only constructive Criticism

Thanks Everyone <3

If anyone could make a better cover, Please Do!

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