Fear of water (Slight smut.)

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Zhuocheng isn't actually scared of water , he loves going to the beach it's just for this oneshot.

The sun was bright , whilst lovers were going on vacations and Wang Zhuocheng and Liu Haikuan weren't an exception "Ya ready?" "Mhm! Let's go!" Zhuocheng yelled excitedly while he smiled widely at his husband Haikuan this smile was only one reason between the millions and billions of reasons on why Haikuan fell in love with Zhuocheng from his big dark brown eyes , his  thin rosy pink lips , his unique yet beautiful nose , soft raven colored fluffy hair , soft freckles on his face , his beautiful long lashes and not to forget his incredibly nice figure for example he had an incredibly small and thin waist . His soft features would make people praise him. Zhuocheng in his teenage years did do some modeling but people would say he should have taken some big stage celebrity job  , Zhuocheng was very graceful , polite , respectful and he had a deep ethereal voice. Zhuocheng was quite frankly perfect , pretty face , nice body , talented , nice personality , but one flaw was that Zhuocheng was quite silly , he wasn't a very serious person. While Zhuocheng was the type of person to wear incredibly vibrant colors and accessories while his husband Haikuan was the complete opposite. Haikuan had incredibly dark black hair , he was a couple of centimeters taller than Zhuocheng yet much manlier , while Zhuocheng was very slim the muscle he did contain was nothing compared to Haikuan's , Haikuan wasn't completely jacked but was very well...sexy-? He had sharp dark eyes , a pointy nose , a very well shaped jaw . Both were young and attractive adults , Haikuan being a doctor and Zhuocheng as a kindergarten teacher and artist , they really had the picture perfect relationship as they met in middle school.

"Waaaahhh~ Lana del Rey's new vinyl is something else!" "Right ." "I keep getting distracted, are we there yet?" Zhuocheng said in a childish manner "Hold yourself back , we're almost there I just need to find a parking site."

As the couple finished they're in hand activities they went on a very nice walk , by that I mean Haikuan was a very good swimmer while Zhuocheng had a huge phobia of water and guess what? Haikuan somehow convinced Zhuocheng to go by the lake side with him. "Haikuan? What are you doing?" "Undressing obviously, how else am I supposed to go out swimming?" Zhuocheng knowing Haikuan will force him to go in the water started to sing to distract Haikuan while walking away from him but Haikuan wasn't a brain dead rat , as he quickly grabs Zhuocheng's arm and yanks him towards himself " You though you were slick?" "Your swimming trunks make you look goofy." Zhuocheng said in an annoyed tone . Zhuocheng knew he couldn't fight back against Haikuan since...well he would easily get completely destroyed , so he simply gave up.

Zhuocheng let out a high pitched breath "H-Haikuan! Don't let go of me!" Zhuocheng said snaking his arms around Haikuan's neck while screaming even more protests to not go any deeper , Haikuan didn't bother telling Zhuocheng to quiet down since they were in a very remote place "I didn't know you were this much of a chicken." "H-Haikuan" Zhuocheng whispered in a quiet tone "Please~ pretty please~" Haikuan looked Zhuocheng in his eyes before pushing him away with a gentle force , Zhuocheng quikly came back to Haikuan and sticked himself on him , Haikuan noticed how Zhuocheng had suddenly gone quiet . The water came up to Haikuan chest while for Zhuocheng his neck "You okay? Do I need to do cpr?" ...."I'm dead"whispered Zhuocheng "How could you do that to me? I thought you were different, but now..." said Zhuocheng while hiding his face in Haikuan's neck "I can't believe it , unbelievable , maybe we just weren't meant for each other ." "My beautiful husband you're scaring me , you do realize that I love you more than anything else in the entirety of things we consider real physically and fictionally , right?" Zhuocheng slowly let's go of Haikuan's neck and places his hands on Haikuan's shoulders while tightening his legs around his waist Haikuan slowly placed his hands on Zhuocheng's butt. Zhuocheng looked at the ring that occupied his ring finger which was gifted by his dear husband marking his marriage , the expensive object being his engagement ring was shining brightly because of some sun light whom would pierce through the trees "Sometimes I do think of it..." "About divorce?" Said Haikuan in unison in a slightly more serious tone , the worry and confusion wasn't quite visible on his face as he kept his composure yet he lifted an eye brow at Zhuocheng. "Zhuocheng? Answer me." Zhuocheng slowly started to caress Haikuan's face "Oh how lucky I am." Said Zhuocheng in a soft tone before slowly kissing his husband , it was a soft and gentle kiss until Haikuan took dominance and deepened the kiss with force "mhm~A-aah~" Zhuocheng let out a soft moan as his legs began to become weak around Haikuan's waist , Haikuan seeing the state Zhuocheng was slightly pinched him causing him to gasp taking advantage of that Haikuan slipped his tongue in. After a couple of intense moments of making out Zhuocheng interfered "H-Haikuan , I'm b-breathless , plus it would be highly inappropriate to do such things in a public place." "But there's no one here!" "No buts , Haikuan I'll gift you so much pleasure at home not here." "Now take me out or else I'm gonna die right this instant."

Haikuan carried Zhuocheng out princess style "Haikuan~" "hm?" "Haikuan..." "Yes dear?" "Haikuan!" "Is everything okay?" "Haikuan ...?" "Zhuocheng?" "Haikuan...the fish...they saw us making out..." "Oh sure they did , they probably got a boner from seeing the erotic look on your face." Zhuocheng looks down embarrassed about what Haikuan just said before he ran his finger  from Haikuan's chin to his left nipple before squeezing his chest "It's so satisfying.." Haikuan simply rolled his eyes "What would your students say if they found out you did such things." "They won't find out...no one will , just you and me..me , Zhuocheng , and you Haikuan." 

On the ride back home Haikuan noticed how Zhuocheng had fallen a sleep and wondered to himself "Am I the lucky one or is he? And why am I the lucky one?"

Love is in the air and so is the Covid.

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