not good enough

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Lee Bodecker is a tough man to please, both at work and in life. He is very peculiar with the way he runs things in his station and his employees often find him to be a major pain in the ass, but they can't deny that the man knows how to do his job and he does it damn well. As a sheriff from a small town he knows everyone and everyone knows everyone. There's a familiarity amongst townsfolk that forces him to be tough if he wants people to listen to him and respect him when he gives orders otherwise it'll be absolute chaos in the streets of Knockemstiff.

He doesn't hire people because he knows them or because they're someone's kin, he hires people based on their skill sets. That's how it's always been and he never makes an exception.

As the sheriff he is constantly busy and needs an assistant to help lighten up his workload as much as possible. He takes a lot of time training his assistant because she needs to work the same way he does. They need to be perfectly in sync so that it looks like one person did it all. Not because he wants to take credit for all the work that is done, but to make sure that the work that's put out is always constant and flawless.

Training someone so hard takes a lot of time, energy and money.

Hence why he almost lost it when his newest assistant that he just spent 3 weeks training with quit without warning. Apparently she's leaving town to pursue her acting career or whatever else nonsense that Lee doesn't listen to or cares to know.

He needs to find someone to replace her and quickly. Except Lee can't seem to find a single woman in town that's willing to leave the house and work.

"I got someone for you, Sheriff." Matt, one of Lee's deputies, says one morning after hearing his boss curse up a storm in his office. "I got a cousin my age that moved into town a few days ago. She knows how to work the phone and everythin'. Real nice girl, too."

Lee shakes his head. "I don't hire other people's kin."

Matt shrugs. "Suit yo'self, Sheriff. It's a shame 'cause she'd do a great job, cousin or not."

Not even five minutes after walking out of Lee's office, Matt hears his name being called out from the office.

"Have her come down tomorrow morning at 7. Not one minute later."

"She'll be there!"

On his way home, Matt stops at your house to let you know that he might have found you a job.

"You need to be at the station at 7 tomorrow morning. Don't be late, the Sheriff hates when people are late."

"You know, I'm always on time!" You nudge him out of your small apartment. "Thank you for helping me." You smile at your cousin. "I promise I won't get you in trouble."

"I know you won't, otherwise I wouldn't have said a thing about you." He laughs as he leaves and you close the door.

You look through your boxes, as you've only moved two days ago and you aren't completely done unpacking, you need to find a proper outfit. You really need this job which means you really need to make a great first impression. You've heard Matt talk about Sheriff Bodecker many times, you know he's a tough boss and he's hard to please. You pick out a white blouse and a black skirt with a pair of black flats, heels would only slow you down and make your feet hurt.

You lay everything out for tomorrow morning and quickly finish eating your dinner that Matt had interrupted so that you can take a shower and go to bed early.

You wake up early the next morning to make sure you aren't going to be late.

It's 6:45 when you walk into the station where you are greeted by a woman clearly at the end of her night shift mending the front desk.

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