A Year

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[Hi, sorry I usually like to avoid A/N at the beginning... but just wanted to explain that this happened a bit earlier than the last few extras. I just realized it was something important to address and because this doesn't have to follow a solid plot, I'm free to do what I want! So this is taking place at the end of January after Harry first got to the city. Okay, hope you enjoy.]


The moment I open my eyes I can tell something is wrong.

Harry's at the end of my bed, leaning forward with his head in his hands and pulling at his hair. It's probably four in the morning knowing him and the schedule he's gotten himself on since working at the bakery. It's dark and cold, and I can only see his silhouette at the end of the bed but I know something is wrong.

"Harry," my voice is shaky from just waking up. I pull the blanket around my body tighter as I sit forward in the bed, rubbing my eyes. He doesn't respond to my sleepy voice so I try again to get his attention. "Harry... what's going on, baby?"

He still doesn't answer me, barely moving from his hunched over postion. He's so still it'd be easy to think he's just fallen asleep in a strange way, like he was trying to get out of bed but just couldn't make it. I know that isn't what's happening though. It's dark but I can still see his eyes blinking as he breathes out. I know he's awake.

I wait for a response but nothing comes. So I move to him, crawling with the blanket to the end of the bed. When I get there he sits up from his leaned position, staring at me for a moment before I wrap the blanket around the both of us, knowing he has to be cold considering we're at my place. He blinks a few times, biting his lip and then looks away, which confirms my thoughts that something's wrong. With the blanket still wrapped around us, I kneel behind him and wrap my arms around his shoulders, resting my chin on top and hugging him from behind.

While I don't think sweetness is in my nature, sleepiness can often overpower any of my normal antics that sometimes make me a little insensitive. Plus, it's obvious I have a soft spot for Harry so it doesn't take much effort to get myself to his position.

"Harry-," I begin but he cuts me off before I have a chance to even begin any comforting.

"It's been a year," he whispers, saying the words like I'd know what this means.

I think about the month, the date, what this statement could possibly hold. It's January, the end of it... Harry's birthday is in a few days, I promised him a party involving a piñata that will probably consist of the two of us since Ted is our only other "friend" in the city. Plus Ted barely counts. Harry just moved in with him at the beginning of the month and I don't think I'm his favorite person.

It's been a year, his words repeat in my head. What's been a year? Certainly nothing involving us... I haven't known him that long, even if I wish I have.

Maybe if I hadn't just woken up minutes ago, maybe if it wasn't four in the morning I'd be able to connect the pieces and understand what he's talking about... but that isn't happening with my foggy brain that's a little too consumed with the warmness of his skin against mine.

"Been a year since..." I leave it open, hoping he'll fill in the blank and that it isn't something I should know.

"Since Lauren," he whispers again, his body shaking with the words. "Since Lauren's accident."

It's like the lightbulb in my head goes off and my heart breaks at the same time. She isn't a common topic of conversation for us. In fact, very little has been said about her at all past my occasional curiosity over the summer. I knew this was the general time frame that it happened because I remember Harry's story very clearly. However, I don't think about it often enough to realize that we were approaching it.

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