Chapter 9: Awakening

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Author's Note:  I am so sorry for leaving you guys hanging so long, but collage was kicking my butt and finals were looming over me like a hungry vulture.  So, I haven't been able to write until now, so I'm making it up to you now by adding the last two chapters of this book. 

That's right, you heard me, the LAST TWO CHAPTERS OF THIS BOOK!!!! 

After this the story will be complete and I can finally get to work on some of my other projects.  So anyway, this chapter has more kinky interactions between Swift-Claw and Predaking, so be aware of that as you read.  There are important things in here besides the lovey-dovey stuff, so I wouldn't recommend skipping the whole chapter outright.

Anyway, thank you so much for putting up with me for so long.  I know what it's like to have a book you're dying to finish and the writer won't update the darn thing.  So, hugs and apologies for putting it off this long, and without further ado, let's get on with the story!!!

I floated in a sea of darkness.  There was no light, no sound, nothing that would tell me where I was.  I lifted my servos up so that I could see them, not understanding why it was I could still hear my own sparkbeat. 

"Am I one with the Allspark?"  My voice echoed into the void that surrounded me, "No, I can still feel my spark within me.  So then, where am I?"

I turned around several times, trying to determine where I was, and how I might get back home.  Then, off to my right, a bright flash of light caused my optics to shutter as I covered my faceplate with my servos.  Slowly, the light faded, and in its place stood a bot I never thought I would see again.  My optics widened in shock as Optimus Prime stepped toward me, his body now much smaller than my own and his battle armor reduced to almost nothing.

"O-Optimus!"  I cried, running toward him until I stood with not a servo between us.  However, as his lip plating parted into a thin smile, my joy rapidly turned to confusion.

"I am not Optimus Prime.  At least, not anymore."  He looked up at me and I saw a deep sadness in his optics, along with a burning pride that I could not understand.  "I am Orion Pax, the young data clerk that became Optimus Prime when I received the Matrix of Leadership from our planet's core, Primus.  You do not have to worry about me.  I am at peace knowing that you and the other Autobots will soon return Cybertron to its former glory."

I sputtered as I stared at Optimus, no Orion, in complete confusion.  "A-Are you telling me that we are now both one with the Allspark?"

Orion shook his helm slowly, "No Swift-Claw.  It is only I who now resides within the Well of Allsparks.  You are still alive, albeit badly wounded.  However, it is because of your fragile state that I am able to communicate with you one last time."

I stumbled back a few steps, unable to comprehend what I was hearing, "I-I don't understand.  The last thing I remember was Predaking and Megatron fighting within the warship while you and the team tried to save the Earth.  How long have I been in stasis?"

His optics darkened for a moment before returning to their former luster, "I cannot say for certain, given time does not move at the same rate in death as it does in life.  I know that it was almost half an Earth year before I became one with the Allspark, but any time beyond my own demise I cannot account for with any certainty."

Transformers Prime: The Swift and Proud (Sequel to Echoes of the Past)Where stories live. Discover now