Chapter One

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                It was a quiet rainy day here in New England and Eddie was going to pick his boyfriend Zach up from his Aunties house, he tries to spend a few weekends there every year. He arrived just before dinner time and was offered a plate and seat at the table, it was a stake and mashed potatoes, and there was way on earth could he say no to that. sitting around the table they all talked bout their day, Eddie worked all day but periodically got texts from either Zach or Rhi. Zach mostly played his games, he did try drawing for a bit and helped his aunt do some things around the house. Once they all finished up dinner the boys said their goodbyes and headed out the door towards Eddies' truck, it's huge (read into that what you will) and not fully in the driveway thankfully she lives on a dead-end street. 

                It was quite a drive home from where his aunt lived so they had quite a bit of alone time in the truck. Zach was on aux and he definitely had the good music taste of the relationship but Eddie will listen to anything so long as it's not country.  They made it about halfway home when Eddie was getting kinda tired "Mind if we stop and a gas station I really need a venom or something" Zach turned to see his boyfriend practically asleep at the wheel. " Not at all baby, we can sit there for a minute too if you need a break"  Getting off the highway they pulled into the first place they saw, lucky for them it was one of those huge Cumberland Farms. They took a bathroom break and grabbed a few energy drinks and snacks cause they never stop eating.   Eddie even splurged and got some gas so they can drive around a little when they get back home. " Can you text Rhi and see if she's busy tonight, kinda haven't seen her in a while"  Zach gave Eddie a funny look after hearing that statement. "its literally only been three days since we went to the movies with her and you think it has been a while?" Eddie gave out a little chuckle as he got back in the truck "Honey the movies don't count, especially when it's a movie she knew nothing about and wouldn't stop asking questions. I feel like I didn't even get to see it" After laughing for a bit they decided to message their friend and see if she'd be down to hang out for the night, of course, Rhi said yes she'd do anything to leave the house it's too crowded and chaotic. 

                Deciding to do a late-night run to GameStop as that's literally the only place they can hang out beside the mall but they were just there three days ago. Walking around and never buying anything they decided to change that and get a handful of pokemon cards, Eddie likes collecting them a little too much. Nobody got anything too good but it was a few cards he didn't have for this set yet so not a bad idea on their part. after loitering for a bit too long, it was time to head out and find something else to do.  Going to eddies house was the most reasonable option since neither Zach nor Rhi had a great home to go to. the group decided to play Minecraft for a while and Rhi was really not good at it. After she threw one too many fits about dying it was time to switch the activity. Zach suggested, "We could watch the show that comes before the movie we saw the other day, maybe that will cheer up the baby."  Rhi shot him a dirty look but then the idea actually clicked in her brain and it sounded like a good idea. " I'll grab the blankets!!" she yelled running down the hall to the broom closet. Everyone cuddles up on the couch and by that I mean Zach and Rhi huddle up on either side of Eddie cause that man is a human heater, " i kinda need my arm to start the show" Rhi got off first since he's hot her property but the second the show started she went right back to his side. After about seven or so episodes it was getting late and everyone was pretty tired, Eddie looked over at Rhi and she is passed out on his shoulder. Whispering to Zach "The little temper tantrum has dissipated" Zach hums in response and Eddie looks at him and realizes he's falling asleep too. "do you want me to turn the tv off darling? We can all sleep out here tonight okay" Zach gives a small nod and Eddie gives him a little kiss before turning everything off and getting comfy with his favorite people and sleeping peacefully for the first time in a while. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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