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Jimin p.o.v

You know that comment Yoongi made on Sunday about the couple carrying everywhere? Yeah, well apparently he wasn't joking.

All week the couple has been bringing me to and from school and work. Which, in all honesty I have been enjoying but I have been feeling slightly guilty about the time and gas they have been using for me.

That's why earlier this morning when they  brought me to school I asked them if they wanted anything in return. To which Hoseok responded "We don't need anything from you." and Yoongi responded "Cookies."

I shake my head a bit with a smile recalling the interaction between the couple. Hoseok had given Yoongi a look. To which Yoongi responded by complaining that he had finished his stash and he need to replenish his stock.

The whole ordeal was cute and a little funny.  I walked into Mr. Lees class and sat at my usual seat next to Taehyung and started unpacking my school bag. Tae isn't here yet though, actually most of the class is still missing.

I felt eyes on me so I decided to look up to which I saw Mr. Lee staring at me. I gave him a small smile and said "Good morning Mr. Lee"

"Good morning Jimin."

I continued to prepare myself for class when Mr. Lee called me.

"Jimin can you come here for second."

Slightly confused on why he needed me, I nodded, stood from my seat and walked towards his table.

"Yes Mr. Lee?" I questioned.

"I just wanted to see how you liked the notes I gave you?"

"Oh they are very helpful thank you for them." I responded.

"That's wonderful Jimin! However I am going to need them back. Can you please return them to me by tomorrow? I need them to write next week's test."

I almost forgot we had a test next week.

"Yes of course, sir, I'll bring them back tomorrow morning."

"Thank you Jimin. You can go back to your seat now."

By now the majority of the class had entered and were getting ready for class. I saw Tae sitting in his usual seat, unpacking his bag.

Once I get close to him I tease him." Oh my- Kim Taehyung can actually be on time for class!" I said with a dramatic shocked expression.

Tae rolled his eyes at me and swatted me to stop. "Yah this is abuse!" I exclaimed. Tae simply chuckled at this, which led me to also start laughing. We continued to joke around until class began.

The rest of the day was fairly normal. I ate lunch with the rest of the group, save for Namjin (cute name right Taehyung and I came up with it) who were missing which meant I ended up fifth wheeling.

Unfortunately, that looks like its going to be a lot more common now that Jin and Namjoon seem to be getting along well.

Hoseok and I had work together as usual whilst Yoongi decided to take the day off. So he followed us to work.

While we were working he would between both our rooms to watch us, despite me telling him he could just watch Hobi.

The next day we arrived to school early and, not forgetting to hand Mr. Lee his notes, I enjoyed the rest of the day.

When I had to go to work the couple just brought me and waited in the parking lot until class was over to bring me home.

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