He's the one (Part 1)

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"Do you think he's the one?" I asked my classmate. "He's really handsome." I imagine myself with him... Having a happy conversation as everybody looks at us, seeing the insecure women throwing darts at our position.

"Maybe! Look. He's handsome and you're beautiful." this classmate/friend of mine is really a trustworthy.

"I know..." I let out a sigh as I place my elbow on the table and my chin on my hand.


Here it is! My heart jumped as I opened my cellphone and read his message.

Hi there, my queen, I miss you already :) I love you!

What is the meaning of thiiiiiis? You know that wonderful morning of yours has been covered with rainbow?

I replied, I love you too my knight in shining armor. Is it your recess?

"Who's that? Is it your king?" my friend said.

"Yes, it is he." I smiled as I felt my heart jumped up and down.

Him: No, not yet, my sugar. I am excited for the movie that will be shown this 2nd week of October.

Me: Me either. I didn't know that it will also be shown on the school's foundation day.

Him: Seriously, it's getting in to my nerves. Hahaha :)

"Good morning!" our teacher greets us with such a loud voice.


"So... Let's call it a day?" He said as he look deep into my eyes.

"Okay, let's call it a day." I smiled as I heard him say, "I love you."

"I love you too."

"And who's that boy?" My mother's voice boomed.

"You know who he is."

"Haii... Just go inside and prepare for dinner. Your brothers are waiting for you. They already miss you."

"I always come home. Paul is just-"

"Just go inside and focus on what should be focused on."

"Focus on Paul." I whispered, joking.

"What did you say?" my mother said.

"Nothing, mom!" Instead on playing with my little brothers, I just sat comfortably on the couch and opened my inbox. Oh... There is his message.

I had a great time, my queen. I will never leave you. Mrs. Kanshez. I love you :) I'll call you later.

Because of great joy, I composed my group message and sent it to all my friends.

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