ACT 1 • Vanished • #pt1

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< first chapter, woooooo , started- 13/11/22 >
『✧ ➤ ➸ ☽ ༄ ✧』
3ʳᵈ ᵖᵒᵛ ACT 1

On top of the viridescent-green grass was delicately planted flowers of cecilias, calla lilys, dandelions and small lamp grass'.  A combination of grace and peace.

A young boy around the age of 5 laid on top of the flowerbed. His hair puffed out, fluttering against the calm breeze.  Azure-blue eyes sparkled in joy as he proceeded to roll around letting out clumsy giggles here and there.

Beside him stood a figure of a gorgeous woman. She was dressed in a fashionable clothing design that consisted of an addicting c/c with glimmering jewellery scattered across her body.

Her hand moving back and forth, gesturing something while conversing with a certain clad dressed in green and white, he held a lyre in his left hand while grinning at the lady beside him. His appearance looks rather like a mortal teenager but I assure you he is far away from a mortal..

"I know, finding him abandoned was a shock but don't be so worried, I believe you have what it takes to be an amazing mother figure to him" Barbatos chirped out happily. His fingers strumming a quick tune on his lyre.

"I suppose so, either way I don't intend on leaving him behind," Vilnerya replied, wondering how the child ended up in her hands. Dainsleif isn't her biological son, heck, her lover died during a battle. She was kept protected. And survived.

"Ehe~ anywayss, why don't we head over to the city? I'm looking forward to share drink with you!~" His doe eyes glancing towards her and Mondstadt city.

Though the offer does sound soothing, you have much important duties to attend to,considering the fact you have a child and well acquainted friends.

"thank you for the invitation sweetheart,but i would have to kindly decline. I have plans; spending time with your girlfriend~" she smirked at him as Venti's cheeks grew a cherry-pink at the thought of a certain someone.

Vilnerya cooed at him knowing exactly what's going on. After all, a true best friend never misses the crushing signals towards the purple-white haired lady. She could see him gawking at her friend from a mile away, AND, she could also see her friend admiring him at every given moment.

"Yeah yeah. You should ask her out already you are too obvious. Anyways- i may as well leave now venti, or it might get too late" She ended off the conversation by bidding goodbyes quickly and gently grabbing Dain onto her arms. Then summoned her catalyst to teleport away.

The child in her arms felt nauseas at the awful feeling of teleportation. Vilnerya has a displeased look on her face but shook it off once she saw
a short girl with purple- white hair and a gorgeous attire sitting on a chair with a cup of flavoured steaming tea.

"Vilnerya!! you're back~!!" she exclaimed whilst giving a gentle smile.

Once they finished giving heartwarming hugs and welcomes, both archons sat in their seats, facing each other. Meanwhile Dainsleif sat himself down on top of a flower bed, playing happily with the wildlife,

"My,my.. drinking the usual, Arlene??" Vilnerya  asked as she sat down on the smooth chair fixing her clothes quickly.

Arlene chuckled. "how are you, my friend?" she swatted her hands on top of her cup in attempt to cool her brewed tea. Her eyes beamed at the sight of Dainsleif , who is now lying amongst the long,swaying grass.

"Oh darling, i'm doing well as usual, although Dain has been quite a handful lately. Or it's possibly my poor child handle ment" Vilnerya groaned at her poor skills.

"hah, don't fret!! you are doing amazing so far. Anyways how is Venti??" The lady in turquoise- navy wondered out loud, leaning on her arms, heterochromical pupils travelling to dreamland.

On the other hand, the other woman smirked at her friend, knowing damn well what's going on.
"Venti is doing fine my dear, it seems you 2 should have a talk, don't decline, you seem to be craving it~"

And so they converse, a bit of teasing, flirting and bundles of laughter here and there until it's time to bid goodbyes.

"we'll see each other again, yeah??" Arlene asked averting her eyes to Dainsleif, the child was currently in Vilnerya's arms, dangling of to sleep. The child was rather energetic today.

"ofcource sweetheart, sleep well!" They bid their final goodbyes.

Arlene departed back to Alabaster whilst Vilnerya teleported back to Starsnatch cliff, where her domain awaits to be entered.

"ah~ home sweet home...oh? it seems my little one is asleep." she entered her domain, her heels clacking on the rock floor as she approaches a cozy corner with a nature/grass bed. {a/n like those moss type of beds that are soft and smooth if ykyk}. flower vines were decorated around it as the smell of cecilias drown the area creating peace and serenity, perfect for slumber.

She gently placed The blonde boy on top of the bed, nearby fireflies igniting the place and sharing it's warmth.

"now sleep peacefully my child, as i need to go somewhere" she placed a heartfelt kiss on his forehead and proceeded to walk out of the domain. Glancing back at the child in deep slumber, a tender smile appeared on her face.

"now,now.. time to visit the other blonde" Vilnerya mutters, as she teleports to a local way point in Kheanri'ah.

She walks towards a decent looking house before entering it. There stood 2 adults, a brunet haired woman and a black haired man holding a young boy, fortunately, around the same age as Dain. With slightly long pastel-blonde hair glistening against the beaming light.

He was awake, chewing on his fingers while in dreamland.

"Leina,Zikram! long time no see~" the 2 adults turned at hearing the name, smiles blossomed on their faces at the sight of their close friend,

"Vilnerya! glad to see you again!!" Leina exclaimed welcoming the young lady in. As they all continued to converse a certain blonde head took notice of the new lady in the room.

"oh? now you noticed me little one, about time, come to auntie Nerya~" she cooed towards the boy as he waddled towards her, sitting on her lap.

"you haven't changed at all Aether, still the same adorable cutie in my hands."
『✧ ➤ ➸ ☽ ༄ ✧』
[ a/n pls read: the reader in this story is actually quite flirty, this meaning , in humour and in general. This doesn't always mean, she's flirty in a romantic way, majority of the time when she uses pet names and such it goes in a platonic way. i hope you understand ]
< finished 10/03/23 >
bro finally i finished this, this was meant to be done during Christmas but my lazy ass decided to delay it until today in which i had help with a friend. 😭😭
anyways i reached goal of writing atleast 1000 words for each chap yipee!! (this one was the first chap) ...
my updates may possibly get quicker considering the fact that my book is linked now- 😚
i hope my readers are satisfied <333 🥺

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