1 - Family

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I walked off the elevator to the floor of the Assistant District Attorney Neal Loguidice, who also happens to be my older brother.

"Sierra! What a surprise..." Lynn the District Attorney said seeing me and I smiled.

"Neal placed an order for a cupcake platter, I'm just dropping it off to him. Is he in?" I asked and she sighed with a nod.

"He is but Barber is in his office."

"You left them alone together?" I asked and she sighed.

"I did, I wasn't thinking. Here, I will go with you to open the door." Lynn said and I smiled as she knocked on Neal's office door.

"Come on in." Neal yelled and Lynn opened the door.

"I found her wondering around with cupcakes and thought I would escort her here." Lynn said and I laughed.

"Thanks Lynn." I said walking into Neal's office and I smiled at Andy.

"Mr. Barber." I said and he shook his head.

"It's Andy, Sierra you know that." Andy said and I smiled. I looked at Neal.

"Where do you want these?" I asked.

"I thought I said I wanted them delivered to the house for dinner tonight?" Neal asked trying not to get too pissed. I looked at the delivery slip.

"Well you didn't, you said here so where do you want them?" I asked and he groaned motioning to his table in the corner. I walked over and set them down.

"Are you coming tonight?" Neal asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, you're inviting lawyers and a lot of high-profile people, I would rather have birds peck my eyes out." I said and then looked at Andy. "No offense." I said and he held up his hands shaking his head.

"None taken." Andy said.

"Can you please come?" Neal asked and I shook my head.

"No Neal, I will be at the bakery late tonight. I have 3 birthday cakes and wedding cake to do for this weekend. I won't be making it tonight." I said and Neal sighed.

"Fine." Neal said and I went to leave. "I'll just let mom and dad know that you are refusing to come to a function I'm throwing that could help my career. You know how they feel about helping each other out." Neal said and I turned to look at him.

"Come on Neal... don't do this I have a business to run and 2 girls just cut their hours for school. Don't do this to me." I begged and he just looked at me.

"Neal...be reasonable." Andy said.

"Fine..." Neal said and I walked out of his office to the elevator. Once I got to my car I sighed annoyed. I got back to the bakery and saw my one and only other fulltime co-worker.

"How was it visiting your brother?" Grace asked and I glared at her.

"Well first he got mad because he swore he told me he needed them at his house and not the office, lie. Then he tried to blackmail me to come to that party he is throwing tonight." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Did you kindly tell him to fuck off?" Grace asked as she followed me to the back. I gave a small laugh.

"Yes I did. Even Andy Barber seemed to stick up for me." I said and Grace smiled.

"Andy Barber now there is on good looking guy." Grace said and I rolled my eyes.

"Grace..." I said and she sighed.

"What?! He is!" She said and I just ignored her and started getting things set up for the cakes I had to decorate.

"Listen, if you want to knock off early go ahead. There isn't much more to do and I don't see us getting super busy so if you want to go..." I said and she smiled.

"Thanks." Grace said and I smiled as she grabbed her things and headed out the door.

🧁 🧁 🧁

I was sweeping up the dining room while I waited for the last layer of the wedding cake and a birthday cake to cool when I heard the door open. I turned to see Andy walked in.

"Mr. Bar...I mean Andy. What a surprise." I said and he smiled.

"Those cupcakes you brought in the office today, I haven't been able to get them off my mind." Andy said and I laughed.

"Any in particular one you cant stop thinking about?" I asked walking behind the counter.

"The double chocolate one and the funfetti style one." Andy said and I smiled grabbing them from the case and putting them in a box for him.

"You going to my brother's party tonight?" I asked and Andy sighed.

"Yeah, running home to check on Jacob and then going." Andy said and I nodded.

"How's Jacob?" I asked about Andy's son who had been in the bakery a few times.

"He's good. Had a rough day at school so this should help." Andy said and I nodded.

"For sure." I said and Andy paid for the cupcakes.

"I heard you say you are short staffed and I know Jacob is looking for a job. Would it be okay if he came in and put in an application?" Andy asked and I smiled with a nod.

"Of course. I would love to have Jacob work here." I said and Andy smiled.

"I was hoping you were going to be at Neal's party tonight, wouldn't have made it so stuffy." Andy said and I tried to hide my blush.

"Yeah well, you boys will get by without me." I said and Andy smiled.

"Can I ask a question?" Andy asked and I nodded. "What's the real reason you aren't coming tonight? I know you told Neal work and I don't doubt that you have work to do but what's the real reason?" Andy asked. I sighed.

"She will be there." I said and Andy started laughed.

"Carmen?" Andy asked and I nodded.

"Yeah Carmen, I hate Carmen and I hate her with my brother. They just annoy me together." I said and Andy laughed.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I heard she isn't coming either." Andy said and I shook my head.

"No because it means she is somewhere torturing small school children." I said and Andy laughed.

"God Sierra she is a teacher." Andy said and I shrugged.

"Teacher, torturer...same thing. She will be there though, I'm certain of it." I said and Andy shook his head with a smile.

"It amazes me." Andy said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"That you are Neal's sister. You both are so different." Andy said and I shrugged.

"He got the book smarts, I got the street smarts and all the humor." I said and Andy smiled.

"Makes sense." Andy said and I smiled. He looked at his watch. "I better go. See you around." Andy said and walked out. I smiled as he left. I looked at the time and locked the door.

"Time to get busy." I said and headed to the kitchen.

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