The Abandoned Battle-field

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Note: swearing

It is the distant future, and it once seemed bright. The Earth Alliance and ZAFT are currently at war with one another, determined to wipe one another off this plane of existence due to arguments of an ideological and religious nature. Due to sheer dumb luck and the fact that neither side has working weaponry on a scale larger than a bipedal non-nuclear walking battle tank, however, both sides have become locked in a zero-sum game for about 7 months. Of course, that didn't stop the sole neutral side from playing both sides for its own benefit, which has only made things far worse.

It is late in the year 73 of the Cosmic Era.

And things are starting to heat up once again.

"The Shelter's this way," Tolle Koenig shouted happily as he lead his friends through a seemingly endless labyrinth of twists and turns, "The map said we go to the right!"

"Tolle, are you sure we're not lost?" Miriallia panted as she tried her best to keep pace behind Tolle, and failing, "It feels like we've been running for a week..."

Tolle laughed, feeling giddy as the adrenaline shooting through his body began to push him into overdrive, "Come on! We're almost there! See? There's a light at the end of the corridor!"

Indeed, there was a light at the end of the proverbial (and literal) tunnel that Tolle, Miriallia and Sai were running through. However, something was off. Mainly due to the fact that, upon leaving the tunnel and running right into the light, the three of them wound up staring right at a gigantic mobile suit that had just been tipped on its face and was now struggling to stand back up. And another giant robot that was fleeing the scene at the moment. Not to mention dozens of corpses lying on the ground, either dressed in Morgenroete engineering jumpsuits, EA uniforms... and there were even a ZAFT soldier or two lying on the ground as well. Not a pretty sight.

Just to the left of Tolle, there was a small group of civilians who also emerged from another passage. The leader of that group stood in mild shock as he saw the giant robots, uttering, "There are more?"

"God damn it, Jim," another in that group shouted, at him, slapping the leader upside the head, "You knew about those two. You were project leader on assembling the materials, jackass!"

As Athrun Zala started to have his new unit leave the area, he couldn't help but sneaking a peek at the instruction manual of his new stolen mech. If those rumors were correct, the Earth Alliance had pumped enough money into each unit that it made the gross domestic product of Belize look like a pittance. A grin spread across Athrun's face as he noticed the armament listing, the question as to what Kira Yamato was doing with a top-secret Earth Forces project pushed aside for the time being. This baby had a rather mean-looking beam rifle that looked like it could punch a hole clean through a battleship. Four beam blades mounted onto each limb of the... Aegis? Huh. Nice name. Ooh, and a transformation mode. Complete with... Athrun froze.

That can't be right.

"Those Naturals mounted a battleship cannon on a Mobile Suit?!" Athrun nearly crashed the Aegis into the Morgenroete facility building as he tried not to crap his proverbial pants, "What kind of mad scientists do they HAVE on this project?"

Somewhere, deep within the collection of Alaskan bunkers that made up the bulk of the Earth Alliance headquarters, the main designer for the General Awesome Tech Xperimental project (or GAT-X project for short), a man named Tem Rey let out a maniacal laugh over his newest invention before sneezing. Searching for a kleenex, Tem cursed. His plans for a new, faster and bigger microwave would just have to wait.

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