garlic risotto

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"I bet you never thought you'd see me like this," she spoke to the creamy garlic risotto as she stirred, "I know it's a funny thought, domesticity, but truly, I'm happy."

He nodded.

She continued, "It's really not that hard, you know. First, you crisp the rice with oil. Or is it called 'burning'? I don't know. At some point you add butter and garlic."

"How's Phillip?"

"Oh, he's just fine. We haven't spoken in some time, but I see his girlfriend posting photos of them on Instagram. Even as kids, he never talked much. Just joked. I guess it's a familial trait, huh?

"I guess so."

The smell of rosemary mingled in the air, permeating through the gray apartment walls. Her neighbors were having some Fall get together. She liked that about them. They always seemed to keep together. Always using something about the time of year as an excuse to put on a big party. She imagined their apartment to be warm and comforting.

"So, how's Susan?" Of course, her name was Susan. Susan was the name of someone who got to witness the whole story. You had middles with someone named Susan. Not just beginnings and ends. The name tasted sour in her mouth, but she thought he'd appreciate her asking.

His face seemed to light up at this. She was right. "Oh! She's great, really. Actually, our fourth is on the way," his pride suffocated the room, "We can't believe it either, but we're happy."

"That's great. That's really great." Her smile was genuine. "Y'all should come over sometime. I've really gotten a hand at this cooking thing, and I sure would love to have you guys over. Heck, bring the kids. Yes. Bring the kids. They can run around the apartment. I always thought kids should be able to run around like banshees while the adults drank wine. It's only natural."

She really did love kids. They'd have his smile. It would be fun. 

She scooped a spoonful into a decorative floral bowl, garnished it with a sprig of rosemary because that's what she saw on tv once, and placed it gently in front of him. "White or red?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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