I know I didn't reach my goal but I got board


Paige's P.O.V.

I just found supplies for sex and it was scaring me I curled up in a ball and Kendal asked me a question. I nodded when Niall came in.

"What's wrong baby girl?" he said walking toward us. "You guys have sex items in our rooms." Kendal said like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Oh, Harry thought it would be funny to put that stuff in your rooms. We told him not to though. Well I'll just let you have your sister moment." he responded before leaving.

The rest of the girls came up and we explained what Niall told us. "I still think I'm getting raped." Madie said before sliding down the pole.

"Ok alittle to dramatic for me but I applaud it." Paige said. Glad she's back to normal.

She came back up 20 minutes later with two back packs. She dumped the first one and there was pjs and a set of clothes for every one. She then left to Paige's bedroom.

Madie's P.O.V.

After I dumped the first bag I went in paige's bedroom. I dumped all the snacks on the bed. I grabbed the remote to her room and half way dimmed the lights. Then I made the giant flat screen come down and put family guy.

Paige is the only one with the big flat screen. When the boys first got the flat they started to make this a movie room. Then they just left it and put it on the next floor up (I lied there is 7 stories. The first five are for bedrooms).

The rest of us have a remote to our room. I think I'm the only one that knows. The other girls came in. "FOOD" Kendal yelled and ran to the pile of junk food. Oh how I love my girls.


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