Chapter 1

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*Dora and Boots Are Waiting For The Mail Truck*

*Cuphead Arrives*

Cuphead: Is it here yet?!

Dora: No, not yet.

Boots: Dora, do you think it will come today? Do you, do you?!

Dora: Maybe, Boots. Boots has been waiting for his special package to arrive. His brand-new super duper fire truck.

Boots: Super duper, super duper!

Dora: *giggles* It might come into today's mail. So we're waiting for the mail truck.

Boots: I don't see a mail truck.

Cuphead: I didn't see it, I ran too fast to get here.

Dora: *giggles*

Boots: That's Cuphead for you, always going too fast to see anything

Cuphead: *Turns Around And Sees The Mail Truck* Oh, There It Is.

Boots: Dora, the mail truck, the mail truck!

Val: Special delivery! Package for Boots the monkey!

*Val opens the back lift and passes the box to Boots*

Boots: Oooh, my firetruck. *kisses the box* My super duper firetruck! It came!

*Boots opens the box but he feels nothing. He puts his head into the box but there is nothing there*

Boots: Where's my firetruck?!

Dora: Uh oh. Look, Boots. There's a big hole in the bottom of the box. The firetruck must've fallen out of the hole.

Cuphead: How did no one checked the box before putting it in?

*Boots puts his head through the hole. Val checks on the other boxes but it's not there*

Val: Your toy isn't in here, Boots. I'm so sorry. You're toy must have fallen off my truck somewhere. It could be anywhere.

Boots: Dora, Dora, we have to find my firetruck!

*He looks around in the forest, but it's not there*

Boots: It's lost.

Cuphead: We have a lost toy out there, suffering.

Dora: It's OK, Boots. We'll find it.

Boots: But we don't know where it is. It's lost.

Dora: Let's stop and think. Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go?

Boots: Map.

Dora: Right! Let's check the Map to find out where the firetruck is.

Boots: Say Map! Say Map!

*Map pops up and zooms to the air*

*Cuphead Then Went Into "See Through Map" View*

Chapter 1 Ended.

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