Part 1

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(I apologise for any typos or grammar mistakes. I wrote a lot of these parts during late hours of the night so I'm tired and not thinking straight)

(ALSO if you like this please check out some of my other stories please 🙏🏻 I'd love if you could)

You made your way to Sumeru city after hearing of the news. Nahida had informed you of Scaramouche's current state and how he had woken up. You had to admit you were worried on what his reaction would be to see you again considering you both left on pretty bad terms.

As you finally reached the entrance of the academia, you were warmly greeted by Nahida, "Traveler! I'm sorry for calling you so suddenly. The balladeer woke up and he's currently in one of the free rooms I have available.."

You smile and nod in response "It's no problem Nahida really, I'm just glad I'm able to help you out."

She smiled and guided you to the location to where the Balladeer was currently being held. Once you got there you couldn't help noticing his door was open, along with the greenish blue gem in his hands that he wouldn't stop staring at.

Nahida caught on to your gaze and spoke quietly, "It appeared not long ago when he was still unconscious. Visions truly work in mysterious ways don't they?" She gave you a smirk before gently tapping on his door, alerting him of her presence.

"Why is he here?" Scaramouche snapped almost immediately after spotting you.

"I called for the traveler to come help take care of you while you recover. You've been unconscious for a long period of time."

Scaramouche just looked away, shuffling to the corner of his bed. You stared at him, thinking to yourself. Weirdly enough he seemed different. More venerable perhaps? You couldn't quite decide but he wasn't the same big ego, cold hearted Balladeer you encountered a few weeks ago.

By the time you snapped out of your thoughts you looked around to see Nahida had left. Left you alone with the Balladeer, someone who you defeated in a heated battle a few weeks ago and ruined any plans he had worked so hard for.

Why in the seven archons would Nahida think that was a good idea?

You cleared your throat nervously and managed to utter out some words "I know it's not a gnosis but it seems to be good enough right?" You sat down on the bed with him only to have his response to be to attempt to shuffle back more then he already was.

"It's pathetic." He said in a slightly quiet and more gentle tone to what you were used to. He sighed placing it in his pocket. "It's.. good enough for now."

You couldn't help but feel slightly guilty and responsible for his new behaviour. You remember Miko willingly giving away the gnosis to Scaramouche as it no longer had a use to the Shogunate, so logically it was his and he had every right to keep it. Though you understood that it couldn't be trusted in his possession much longer.

"I'm sorry for what happened." You looked down at the floor avoiding his gaze.

There was a moment of silence before you heard quiet chuckling from behind you. As you turn around you see Scaramouche chuckling to himself, trying to hide his smile with his hand.

"Sorry? You humans really are filth!" He gets up from the bed and places his vision on his shoulder. "Apologies. Could you be anymore irritating?"

He definitely still seemed to be holding on to the battle you had and you couldn't really blame him. It was understandable considering the circumstances yet he would have to learn to accept it sooner or later.

"What? Do you think I don't mean it?" You assumed he was judging you based on his view of humanity all together.

Scaramouche turned to you and crossed his arms along with a unamused expression "I don't think, I know you don't mean it. You humans are all the same."

He started to pack some things into his bag and didn't seem to be bothered on hiding it either. "Why are you packing? You know you're on 24/7 hour watch right now. Did Nahida not tell you?"

He just groaned and turned to you once again. "She did. Multiple times. But without a gnosis I'm harmless so don't worry about it mortal."

You knew for a fact he wasn't harmless. And with a vision? He definitely was capable of doing stuff that could be unfortunate. "If you're leaving I'm going to have to follow you."

He seemed annoyed by the idea and left without replying. You follow him through the academia all the way through the city and he seemed to be quite.. well behaved.

He bought some snacks, wandered through the city and eventually relaxed in the restaurant eating food that you paid for. It honestly felt a bit like you were babysitting him while Nahida was gone surprisingly enough.

"Where's that flying creature that's always with you." Scaramouche asked with a blank expression and continued to eat. "I left her back at the place we are staying at while we are in sumeru."

He looked up at you and placed his finished plate with the small pile of plates on your table "I honestly thought she was a parasite of some variety to be honest." He snickered to himself, almost as if he was laughing at his own joke.

He then stood up and headed for the exit, not even bothering to wait for you. You sigh, placing a bag of mora on the table and get up from your seat to quickly run after him.

Nahida smiled and  greeted you both as you walked through the academia "Did you both have a nice time?"

You nod, stopping to talk with her while Scaramouche seemed to just walk right by her. "He's had a long day, it's only natural for him to be tired right?" She smiled, not even bothered by his rude behavior.

You follow after him and find him in his room, laying down on his bed. You sit down beside him, trying not to get to close as to avoid irritating him.

"So. Where do you play to go from here after Nahida finally lets you go?" He looked up at the ceiling.

From his expression, it seemed almost like he didn't know the answer either but after a moment he finally thought of a response. "How about you let me travel with you?"

You stared blankly, wondering if he was serious or not. After everything you both went through, he wanted to travel with you? Surely he just wanted to come along so the minute you were in danger he could sabotage you and get you hurt.

"I'm serious." He sat up, looking almost insulted.

"I'm sorry, I'm just confused. Why?"

He looked away from you slightly flustered. "I won't forgive you for what you did yet.. your strength is admirable I'll admit. And if I'm to travel with you perhaps I can find another use for my existence. And if I'm to leave with you Nahida would let me leave much quicker." So he wanted to travel with you to find his new purpose? Perhaps he finally understood that his old goal can't be achieved anymore.

"Alright, you can come with me if you want."

You still didn't feel like it was a good idea. You've known Scaramouche since the meteorites all the way up to now. Thinking of every event with him you couldn't trust him. Travelling with him would be like willingly eating any dish Bennett makes.

"Alright, fine. We leave first thing tomorrow for Liyue Harbor. I have some stuff that I need to attend to with ningguang" he groaned, realising the mess he's now got himself into.

"Fine. I'll come by tomorrow morning. Be ready at 9 and don't oversleep."

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