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Sophie looked around at everyone around her.




But they had all banded together to defeat the greatest enemy of all. To save the world they all loved in some way or another from crumbling. But would it be enough?

Sophie wasn't sure.

And as one particular face stuck out, with his perfect blond hair, and ice blue eyes, Sophie wanted to just barricade everyone she knew into a secure locked up room, so they would all be safe. 

But she knew they would never let her. 

The only thing she could do was fight as hard as she could, and hope that no one would get hurt. Or worse.

But the small battles and little games she had played with the Neverseen were over. Now it was a full fledged war.

And in wars there were always casualties. 

She didn't want to accept it, but she had to.

She just hoped there wouldn't be many.

As the opposing side drew closer, Sophie glanced around one more time. She expected her friends to look scared, or at least a little bit fidgety, but that's not what she saw. Instead it was courage.

And determination.

And something else glinting in their eyes that she couldn't name.

And somehow, she could tell that as bad as the odds were, they would win. Because the good always won in the end, right?

So she drew Hope out of her holster, and got ready to fight.

For her friends.

For her family.

For everyone that meant something to her.

But as she looked around, seeing faces she recognized, but also faces she didn't, who had all come together to help her, she realized that most of all, she was fighting for something else.

For her world. The new one she had just come into a couple years ago. The one she had grown to love, and grown to belong to.

She was fighting for The Lost Cities.

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