Guns and Glory.

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"Any last words?" I said with a evil smile on my face. "Please spare me!" the inocent man said crying. Not innocent at all actually. "If I took you and dragged your heavy ass over here you really think I would spare you? Nuh uh not after all that work." I said in a annoyed tone. The room went silent. All you could hear was the mans cries. "Whats wrong? Cat got your tongue?" I said as I chuckled. "Ugh. Listen here I might spare you if you tell me who your working for." I said as I took the gun away from his head while rolling my eyes. "Really?!" he said in a some what happy tone that I had considered it. "Im considering it. Although you are being a jackass right now and im missing my lunch, yeah maybe." I said while walking around him in circles. "Well..." he said in a quiet tone. "Well? If you dont start to fess up im gonna shoot you." I growled.

"Im 21 and I work for the Ravens the leader i-" Yeah i know who the leader is."I said ,annoyed. "Of course your apart of the one with some pussies." I said in a annoyed tone. "He is such a fucking liar." Juan, the man I kidnapped, looked up at me, with a questioning look on his face. "Who's a liar?" I look at him, with quite a annoyed face, " Who the fuck do you think? If you couldn't guess, it's
that douchebag Ace." "Do you guys have history?" "What do you fucking think?" I glared at Juan. "We were childhood friends, until he obsessed over me and that got quite annoying." I growled. He looked at me confused. "Really?" He said confused. "Well I wouldn't be telling you this if it weren't true would I?" I said annoyed. "Sorry." Juan said while tugging on the rope around his hands. "Listen here. I'll free you IF you become my spy." I said with a devious smile on my face. "Deal" he said responding...a bit too quick. "Nice doing business with ya pal" I said walking off.

I could here the sound of my heels clinking against the metal. I approached the burner to access the code to the sparing area. "Everyone! Give me your attention!" I said loudly in my raspy but soft voice. "Training is over for the day!" I said while walking off. I pull out my phone and call my friend Valerie. "Hey Val can you pick me up I'm at the base." I said exhausted. "Of course on my way" she said while hanging up the phone.

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