Chapter 3

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-3rd person Pov--

Law reached the submarine as he was holding Y/n in his arms

"Y/n-ya! hang in there!" he said with a panicked voice

he opened the sub's door and entered

"Shachi-Ya! penguin-ya!" he yelled

the two men ran towards him as their eyes widened looking at the fragile figure in law's arms,her wings has been disappeared and only blood was running out of her stomach

"PREPARE THE OPERATION ROOM!" he yelled as he ran across the hall,holding Y/n in his arms

the two men quickly ran towards the operation room and prepared it in a flash

law have put Y/n down on the surgery bed and started the surgery

she was  lying down on the bed unconscious ,as law injected her with sedative to start operating on her

-Time skip after operation because I have no idea what they do,If I knew I'd be a doctor hehe-

Law sat down next to her bed,nothing was threatening her life now but she had to rest to regain her power

after 17 hours,Y/n opened her eyes and saw Law staring at her

"Sup" She said

"nothing really" he replied

"Why are you staring then" She asked

"Cause you're cute" he said in a monotone voice

"I se-- WHAT?" She blushed as she heard him say that "WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU,DID ARSENE HIT YOU IN THE HEAD SO HARD?OMG DOCTOR,WE NEED A DCOTOR" She exclaimed

"Relax,don't waste your energy" he pointed at her bandaged abdomen 

"uh yeah,I was cool wasn't I?" she smirked as she teased

"You were" he simply said

"you're no fun!why aren't you getting bullied?" she asked annoyed

"simply just agreeing to facts" he smirked as he got closer to her holding her chin with one hand,adjusting her face for himself to look into her eyes

he grabbed her face with one hand as his big hand was squeezing her cheeks

"whawt awre youw dowing" she struggled to talk as she stared at his eyes

"Thank you,Y/n-ya" he gently leaned in and kissed her forehead "Take some rest" he said,yawning as he walked out of the operation room

"How can I rest now...YOU IDIOT" she said as she was holding her face with her two hands and blushing madly at what happened right now

as Law left,Bepo came in holding a plate of porridge "Y/n-chan are you alright?" he asked with a worried expression on his face

"Awww Bepo-chi!!! of course I am after seeing you~" she said

"o-oh,that's good" he smiled "Here's your food"

"Oh thank you" she took the plate and started eating.

"How does it taste?" Bepo innocently asked

"SO GOOD!!!" she screamed in happiness

"Thanks god,captain said he'll check on you soon,rest well Y/n-chan!" he said as he walked out

"c-captain" she stuttered ,remembering the incident.

after an hour or two,Law walked in to the room,seeing Y/n sleeping peacefully,he slowly walked towards the bed,uncovering the blanket from her and lay down next to her on the bed,holding her tight as he covered them with the blanket

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