Of forests and birds

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I look up and see an angry Swad, glaring daggers at Devin. Devin looks intimidated and scurries back into his office. Good, I think, I won't see him for the rest of the day. 
“Are you alright Y/N?” I hear Swad ask
I nod.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you Swad” I say as I stand up
He nods and goes back to the pick-up area to pick up his items again. He turned to me, silently asking if I was ok, so I nodded and smiled in response. He nodded and walked out of the cafe, making the bell chime. 
It was closing time and I was tasked with locking up. I quickly locked up and stretched.
“Are you still going to the forest sister?” Zevren asked
“Yes brother” i replied
“It is getting dark, are you sure you still wish to go?” Pharis asked
“I am sure. If it gets to dark, I will portal home” I replied, ears twitching
My brothers sighed and nodded heading home, while I walked to the forest. I walked past some stores and wondered what I was going to get for my siblings' birthdays. Qilby would likely like some sort of electronic while Shinonome would like a pet of sorts. Both presents would be expensive, but I wonder if I can get one of those robot dogs I’ve seen around in the stores. 
“It sure is a nice night for a walk. Too bad you can’t see the stars due to the pollution…” I said aloud 
I hum and walk past the store and head to the secret path to the forest. I smiled as I felt the wind blow through my hair, making it and my hat sway in the wind. I smile and hum a small tune, walking to my secret spot. It took awhile, and jumping over a few logs, but I got to it. I smile when I see the clearing. The pond is clear and reflects the night sky, the trees sway gently in the breeze, making a song with the animals of the forest, and my treehouse is still there. I smile and start to walk over to my treehouse, but pause when I hear a twig snap. My hat-ears go straight up and I tense, looking around.
“Who’s there?” I asked, starting to use wakfu eyes
“Apologies. I didn’t think anyone came this far in the forest~” I hear Swad say
I pause and stop using my wakfu eyes. Swad walks out of the bushes and walks towards me. I smile at him and he smiles back.
“What are you doing all they way out here Y/N~” Swad asks
“I needed a break and this is where I come to relax.” I say, shrugging
Swad nods and sits on a log near the pond. I smile and sit on a rock next to the log. Swad’s wings fluttered as he looked at me.
“So~How was your day?~” He asked
“It was fine. Yours?” I asked, being polite
“It was better know that I got to know you~” Swad said
I chuckled and looked at the pond, and I could have sworn that I saw him pout when I stopped looking at him. We sat in silence for around five minutes, until he decided to break the silence.
“Where do you come from?” Swad asked
“Wha-?” i started, confused
“Sorry, that must have sounded weird. What I meant was, have you always lived on the surface or did you live Underground?~” He asked
“Oh, that does make the question better. I lived in the Underground with my siblings. What about you?” I asked, feeling curious
“I’ve lived on the surface~” Swad said
“Wow. That must’ve been nice…”I said, trailing off
Swad hums and nods, looking at the pond as it reflects the stars in the sky.
“Do you mind if I keep coming here with you? I want to get to know you better~” Swad said
I thought about it and nodded.
“Yeah, I could use the company” I said, agreeing
Swad smiled and his wings fluttered happily, and I could have sworn that I saw him blush.
“What was the Underground like?” Swad asked
“Well, it was ok. We did our best to survive after the war and make do with what we have. When we arrived at the surface, everyone seemed shocked to see us because they thought we were myths and legends. Mom and Dad helped Frisk with ambassador things and we settled in peacefully. Everyone has jobs now, and everyone is happy, and I wouldn’t change that.” I said, smiling about past memories
Swad nodded and leaned forward, looking interested.
“What did you do while Underground?~” Swad asked
“Well, i worked as a bartender along with my brothers Zevren and Yugo” I answered
“Did anyone try to flirt with you?” Swad asked, sounding dangerously angry
“Some did, but Zev and Gogo took care of it” I answered
“Gogo?” Swad asked in confusion
“It’s a nickname for Yugo” i responded
“Wait, isn’t Zevren that dragon? How are you related?” Swad asked curiously
“Well, each eliatrope has a dragon sibling. Zevren is mine” I respond
“But isn’t Yugo a eliatrope?” Swad asked, trying to put the pieces together
“Yes, but our dad laid our dofus, so there are 7 dofus and 14 of us. It drives mom and dad crazy trying to keep track of all of us” I answered
“What are dofus? I’ve heard about them, but i don’t know what they are~” Swad asked
“Dofus are dragon eggs, so only dragons can lay them when they fall in love. It’s funny because it doesn’t matter if the dragon is male or female, because they will still lay dofus” i answered
Swad nodded, and hummed.
“Any questions for me?” Swad asked
“Hmmm…..what is your favorite color?” I ask
“Amber~” Swad replied
“Favorite book?” I ask
“Pride and Prejudice” He responded
“Favorite season?” I ask
“Summer” He responded
“That’s all I can think of” I say
Swad nods and stands up.
“We should head back before we can’t see our way back~” Swad said
I nod and stand up as well, starting to create a portal.
“I can create a portal for both of us to use” I say, creating the portal to outside my house
Swad nods and walks through the portal, and I follow him, closing the portal when we reach the  other side. Swad smiles.
“So this is your house?~” Swad asks
“Yeah. I share it with my siblings. Mom and Dad live near here with Frisk, Chara, and Flowey” I say
Swad nods and opens his wings, making me tilt my head. Swad gently takes my hand and gives it a kiss, causing me to blush various shades of red. 
“I hope to see you soon darling~” Swad said, winking
I blush more and nod. Swad smiles and opens his wings, flying away, leaving some feathers behind. I smile and take some feathers, and go inside.
“What’s gotten you so smiley?” Pharis asked
“I made a friend today” I say, smiling gently
Pharis nods and I walk to  my room, and change into my nightly clothes and put the feathers in a jar. I hop into bed and take my hat off, putting it on the bed stand, and slowly drift off to sleep. Unaware that the feathers are glowing brighter than they were before and that someone was in my room watching me sleep with a grin. 

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