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"So this is really it, huh?" I asked as Dina helped me pack the last of my things into boxes. She was going to hold on to it... just in case.

"Don't say that. You might find your way back in little old Jackson. And if you do... your best friend will be here waiting for you when you come home," She smiled, pulling me in for a long hug.

Dina was my best friend. She always would be. No matter the distance, no matter the time. I knew she'd be waiting for me.

"And you better send me a fucking postcard through messenger pigeon or I'll be pissed," She laughed as we pulled away.

"Charlotte!" My father called up the stairs causing me to frown.

It was becoming too real. I really was leaving. Everything I knew, my whole life was getting left behind. I couldn't fathom it. I didn't even know if it I'd felt the worst of it.

As I jogged down the stairs, I was greeted by Tommy, Maria and my father. Tommy smiled sympathetically before pulling me towards him. I inhaled his warm scent as he hugged me, gazing into his eyes when he pulled away to take a look at me.

"You take care of yourself, kiddo." He sighed, "And your old man. Make sure he doesn't pop a hip or something."

"Watch it. I'm younger than you." He snapped back with a grin.

"You boys..." Maria chuckled as she rolled her eyes, "Both of you stay safe. And remember.."

"We always have a warm bed waiting for us in Jackson when we need it," My father and I replied in unison.

"Exactly. Now get out of here, make the most of the daylight."

Tommy and Maria escorted us to the gate on our horses, bidding us farewell as we galloped into the mountains. I turned to look at them once more, waving them off as they closed the gates behind us. There was no going back now.

We made the most of the daylight, travelling until we couldn't see any further ahead of us and eventually setting up camp in a old cabin in the woods. My father barricaded the door, swinging his pack from over his shoulder and dumping it by the door.

"I'm glad we found shelter for the night. It's gettin' colder out there, you know." He sighed, rubbing his cold hands together before rummaging through his bag for tins of food.

I left my flashlight on the ground and let it illuminate the old building, sitting on the ground with my knees hugged tightly to my chest. I hadn't said much of anything to my father since we'd left. I knew I shouldn't, but I resented him for it. I didn't want to look at him or speak to him. I just wanted to go home.

"Where are we now?" I asked, grabbing a map from my bag to study it for a while.

"Here," he said from over my shoulder, pointing to a little spot on the map, "First stop Denver, last stop Atlanta, sweetheart."

I nodded my head and leant against the couch. I closed my eyes and tried desperately not to think about my friends, or about Ellie. I knew she'd never forgive me but I didn't want her last memory of me being a goodbye.

"You tired, pup?" He asked, settling down beside me to place an arm on my shoulder.

"How can you not care?" I spat, "We left everything. You invested years into the store. What about your friends? Tommy, Maria, Joel? Or my life? What about Dina? Jesse?"

I pushed away from him and stood up, pacing with my head in my hands.

"You're so stupid!" I yelled, "We left everything behind for this. She's dead, Dad! She's fucking dead! If she was still out there, she'd have found us by now!"

My father held his hand to his chest and looked away. He couldn't even look at me anymore. He clenched his eyes shut for a few seconds and shook his head softly.

"One day... you'll understand," he muttered.

"I'm going back. When I've trained enough, when I know I can survive on my own, I'm going home. You can't stop me," I spat, "and if something happens to me. My blood is on your fucking hands."

I stormed out of the room, ducking into a nearby door and slamming it behind me. I sunk to a seated position and began to sob. Not because I'd hurt him, but because I knew that I meant every single word I said.

to the ends of the earth || ellie williams (book one)Where stories live. Discover now