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This is a tester chapter.
Trigger warnings in description.
I thought things might be able to change, but I was very very wrong.

I ran my fingers through the pages of the book, feeling the fibres beneath my finger tips. The smell of a book will always soothe my thoughts. Pietro would have loved this one - Just not all my thoughts.

Oliver Twist.

He also would have loved the movie, he would have danced and sang to each song. Learning each routine just to show off on the smallest chance that we would be somewhere public, if one of the songs began playing. I'm sure he's learning it in the After.

I bring my hand up and analyse my fingers. The blackness is almost completely gone, besides a larger black mark on my ring finger.

I didn't think I'd be here, in this moment. I should be dead. But the chaos within me will never allow it. But i'm too tired for vengeance, too exhausted to mourn. These books are the only magic in my life now.

My phone buzzes on the coffee table to my right, which holds my now cold tea that I forgot I'd made.

"Fury." I let out in a quiet shock.
My heart immediately sinks. This could mean one of two things. Neither of which I want to become a reality.

I grasp the phone, leaving the book slip from my hands and onto the floor, it falls shut and I can't remember which page I was on. But I answer the phone anyways.
"Agent Maximoff, it's good to hear your voice." His charm sounds through the speakers.
"What's this about Fury?" I'm blunt. He knows I don't wish to be a part of this anymore.
"We know about the Darkhold Wanda.."
I suck in a breath. It was only a matter of time before they found out.
"But Strange made it quite clear that you were not responsible...I really don't want to be asking you this Wanda, after everything that's happened...but we will need to run a psych evaluation to see if you're fit to be in public."
As much as he made it seem like a question it was a statement. If he's calling to 'ask' me this it means they know where I am. There's probably a sniper aimed right between my eyes in this very moment.
But that also means they know the bullet won't do much.
Nevertheless, I sigh and nod my head. "Okay."
"I'm sure you already know that we're outside your address-"
"Yes, I'm aware. I'll be out in five, let me just sort a few things." I end the call and sigh, closing my eyes in dismissal of this reality. If he's telling the truth then I hope this goes as smoothly as possible, but if he's lying...again...then I can't stand there and take it. Not again.

I take my jacket and keys, slipping on a pair of trainers and pouring some food and water for my cat Iryna. She'll leave through the cat flap if need be so I don't expect any mess when I do eventually come back. She purrs into my leg and I give her a kiss on her head, I face the wall to hide my now red eyes as I do this then make my way to the door.

Okay, lights off, switches off. Iryna fed and has water. Anything else I'm missing?

Taking the extra second to gather my thoughts on everything to make sure I'm not missing anything, I finally leave. My cabin is small, not very small but it's mine, and my apple orchard will soon bare fruit, gardening is something I always wanted to understand more and now I do. I can grow a lot of things on my own without the assistance of magic now and I'm pretty proud of that achievement.

"This shouldn't take long if you give us your full cooperation." Fury stands, hands locked with one another accompanied by six men and women aiming guns at my head, and a few more scattered around holding all types of weapons. You name it.
"We both know who would win in this fight Fury, but I'll cooperate." I state without need for exaggerated emotion. I just wish this to be quick.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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