Sometimes, change is good.
Other times, change is rough.
Right now, Monica is in other times.
Combing her long curly hair, she can't stop crying her eyes out. Just the thought of having to work another job has her mind racing and her guts ready to blow. The last two months has been bliss for her. Living on unemployment and no type of schedule had her on the moon waving the American flag. But, she's back to reality and she has a working interview in t-minus 10 minutes. Knowing she looks silly, she starts laughing at the tears falling from her face.
Wiping her face, she pats her bronzer over her cheekbones and puts light concealer under her baggy eyes. Singing Beyonce, she stands up in her Black and fitted pants suit and slides into a pair of sleek nude heels. She sprays her sweet floral perfume and and slowly slides on her clear gloss. She slowly breathes in and out before leaving out of her house.
Monica Howley is the definition of THAT GIRL. She is beautiful. Standing at only 5'3, She has beautiful light brown skin with a slim waist and hips to die for. Her facial features mimics the appearance of a beautiful fairy. All her life, she gets non-stop compliments. Of course she knows she's beautiful but at times, she questions if she can come close to the beauty standard that other women already set. Instead of trying to fit in, she continues to do her thing and stands out being herself.
Staying in Dallas, Texas, she has always gone to parties and lots of music festivals. Not taking life serious. Being 23, living alone and having a small friend group can really change how your mind is. Especially when everyone in your age group is either pregnant, rich or still stuck in high school. And Monica is neither. She's been dying to have her life change for the better. More Faith, More stability, more love and most importantly to her, more money.
Sighing hard, Monica pulls up to her potential job. She has worked many front desk, warehouse and fast food jobs in her life but never worked in an actual corporate setting. The last job was at a dental office that specialized in Oral Surgery and once she saw the sight of a tooth coming out and blood splattering everywhere, she passed out and was fired the next day. Just the thought of working in the office has a shudder running down her spine. So, she thinks working behind the scenes of a corporation will work better for her. No blood, no screaming patients and no hitting her head on the cold dental floor.
"Good morning! My name is Monica Howley and I'm here for a working interview. I was supposed to ask for Jennifer." she smiles, brightly.
The blonde receptionist smiles at her and nods her head, "Yes, ma'am! Follow me!"
Monica's first impression of the office is one word, gorgeous. The chandeliers are large and extravagant with gold linings and crystals hanging from the center down to the floors that are white marble with gold flakes. The furniture is a nice cream color with soft white pillows and the tables are glass with gold decorations. Walking through the lobby, she feels like this could be a great opportunity for a long lasting career.
"Jennifer, This is Monica, your working interview! Monica, this is Jennifer!"
Jennifer turns around in her black swivel chair and takes a look at Monica. She smiles while standing up, "Nice to meet you! I can't wait to see how you do today!"
"Nice to meet you, too! I can't wait to show you what I can do." Monica smiles brightly. She applied for the credentialing department for the company. Credentialing is so essential to healthcare professionals and their contracts. They also facilitate audit reports and update important physician's license information.
Has she ever worked in this position? No. Does she know what she is doing? No. Did she write on her resume that she has experience? Yes. But, Monica does not care. As long as it is a bag, she will do anything.

RomanceBeing 23 should be exciting. Being 23 should be fun. Being 23 should be sexy. Why does it feel like the exact opposite?